Happiness is one of those unique words that mean so many different things to different people. It all depends on the person. To some, it's getting to sleep in an extra 10 minutes. To others, it's getting their dream job, or spending time with their family or friends, or even eating a delicious ice cream sundae. There are lots of different connotations of the word. But the important thing to remember about the word happiness is just that, to actually be happy.
There are so many things that get in the way of our happiness, some big and some small. At the moment it may seem like the end of the world. Like when you drop your coffee seconds after leaving Starbucks and you let out a few tears. Yeah, when that happens. Or when there's a ridiculous amount of traffic and you so desperately want to get home. Or when the serious things happen that break you down. The bad comes in all shapes and sizes, but you have to remember to get over those hard things because there's always something better on the other side.
You have to see the positive in things, the good. I always tell myself that everything happens for a reason, even though sometimes it makes absolutely zero sense what the reasoning may be. That there's always someone out there who is going through a more difficult time than me, that there's someone who is struggling to get by, or may have lost a loved one, or having health issues. There's someone out there who is dealing with actual problems that make my little inconveniences insignificant.
Each day you should wake up and be grateful that you're experiencing that day and getting to see your loved ones because there are so many people who don't. Celebrating those small victories, those things that make you happy is a must. It doesn't matter how big or small they are, you just have to be grateful they're there.
Happiness is something you have to work toward sometimes. It doesn't always happen naturally or immediately. You have to look for it, fight for it; it's not permanent. When you feel it, you have to grab on with both arms and try your best to keep it, to soak in how you feel, to remember those moments and cherish them.
The older I get the more I appreciate these moments, the memories that instantly put a smile on my face. I'm realizing how those moments don't last forever, just as people don't. I want to make the most of this life that I'm so blessed to live.
I want to look back when I'm old and grey and smile because of all the happy times I've had. I don't want to be sad because I harped on the negativity and those inconveniences.
You see, we may not have control over the bad times or the things that keep us up at night, but we do have control over what makes us happy. We can create those special moments. Don't forget to take care of yourself and bring happiness into your life.