I am a big fan of birthdays, especially my own. This may sound selfish to some of you and I am sorry. Whenever I tell someone that it's my birthday, I usually get the standard response of "happy birthday!"
Some people will even ask how old I am going to be. In the spirit of full disclosure, I recently turned 39 last Tuesday.)
Since I have 5000 friends on Facebook, I get a lot of birthday greetings on my timeline, so many that I can barely read them all. Most of the commentors just say "happy birthday!"
When I wake up in the morning, I receive birthday greetings from my parents and my grandma, who at the age of 95 has had many birthdays to celebrate, gives me a birthday card or sends it in the mail. Some of my closest friends will call me on the phone and wish me a happy day.
I can always count on Denny's to let me know I have a free birthday meal waiting for me, so that's nice that they remember it's my birthday too.
I don't know why I feel like the whole world needs to know that when exactly I was born. Maybe, it stems from a philosophy I have that life is to be celebrated, that each day above ground is a good day and that we shouldn't take life for granted.
Every year, I plan a big birthday party for myself and invite as many friends as I can think of. In case you were wondering, lasagna, live music, good friends and cake are the four things you need for an awesome birthday party.
I am afraid of both balloons, (because of the loud noise they make when they pop,) and candles, (blind guys and burning candle wax don't mix too well,) so leave those items off my birthday party supply list.
So, I don't know if I will get a pie in the face or a puppy as my birthday present next year, (please don't give me the latter as I am deathly afraid of dogs,) but I can tell you this, you are all invited to my birthday party! I'm turning.......... 39..........again? I'll see you around!