Were you aware men direct most of television shows? Even shows that have a female protagonist (New Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Once Upon a Time) are likely to have the majority of its episodes directed by men. However, Marvel's Jessica Jones season 2 will be airing on Netflix and all thirteen episodes directed by women. This comes just after Marvel's recent controversy on the over sexualization of the 15-year-old female Ironheart character which prompted calls for more diverse creators of story lines and characters.
While directors should not just regulated to gender, it is important women and POC have at least a chance to contribute. Companies like 20th Century Fox, Paramount will not have a single film directed by a woman at least until 2018. Women count for just a bit over half the American population and yet in Hollywood there is still a major gender disconnect as it is mainly white men hired by Hollywood to create the stories which impact and shape our society.
Hollywood is doing its consumers a disservice by limiting who creates its' content. What is most frustrating is Hollywood continues to focus on how to best serve the white male demographic at the cost to other demographics. Who better to tell the story of a woman than women themselves?
Hopefully, more shows and companies will see the excitement and success around Jessica Jones and decide to also take the step to be more diverse. This change is needed as the world is filled with amazing, powerful women who deserve the chance to shape the content which invades our society. Imagine future generations growing up seeing more equal representation of characters created by actual diverse, inspiring people.
It's a win-win for everyone involved.