“Only in America can someone start with nothing and achieve the American Dream. That's the greatness of this country.”
-Rafael Cruz
Tensions ran higher this Independence Day than ever before after the one of the most controversial elections in United States history. During this joyful 4th of July season for patriots young and old, let us choose to hold fast to the American heritage we all share that gives us a country worth celebrating.
Let us remember the bond that binds us all under one nation, one flag, and one God. Let us remember the blood shed from every race and nationality to preserve this democratic ideal. Let us remember that the American dream is still alive and well.
I recently had the privilege to listen to a speech given by Condoleezza Rice, political scientist, foreign policy expert, and our 66th Secretary of State. As a black girl growing up in segregated Birmingham, Alabama, she endured the sting of racism from a young age and often wondered why her family could not dine in the front of the restaurant with everyone else. She endured being treated as a second-rate citizen, but through the support of her family and the empowerment of education, she escaped and gave back to the America that allowed her dreams to take wing.
That same little girl who grew up in segregated Alabama remembers being sworn in by a Jewish female Supreme Court Justice as the first African-American Secretary of State. She used her expertise in George W. Bush’s administration to navigate through the aftermath of 9/11, progress America’s relationship with the Middle East, and represent the United States of America before the world.
This is the beauty of America. We live in a land where an impoverished and failing 5th grader can grow up to become a life-saving neurosurgeon (Dr. Ben Carson). We are a nation united by a common spirit rather than the color of our skin or the land of our ancestors. Condoleezza Rice puts it this way: “The essence of America – that which really unites us – is not ethnicity, or nationality or religion – it is an idea – and what an idea it is: That you can come from humble circumstances and do great things.”
Americans share a common heartbeat and deep within the heart of every American is an unwritten creed that pushes us all to become more than what we came from.
We carry a spark of America in each of us. From taming the wild, wild West to making mankind’s mark on the moon, an American with a dream is a force to be reckoned with.
America is nestled within each and every one of us. Embrace the American spirit inside and let it drive you to exceed expectations. Because that is what Americans do.
So celebrate America. Celebrate the nation where there is always a way up and a way out. Celebrate the fact that classes cannot bind and circumstances cannot define who we will become. Celebrate the land of opportunity where everyone has the chance to succeed. Celebrate the country that boasts scenery that is as beautiful as it is diverse: from the snow- capped mountains and arid deserts, to the clear blue ocean and wooded forests.
America is more than a mere piece of land situated between the Atlantic and the Pacific; America is an ideology and a way of life. “For with all of America’s challenges and its flaws – it remains the greatest blessing to live in this free land.” - Condoleezza Rice
May we never forget the sacrifices given to secure our liberty and the ideals that we hold so dear. Long live the land of the free and the home of the brave. Let freedom ring and the American spirit prevail from sea to shining sea.
America the beautiful, may God continue to shed His grace on Thee.