When someone mentions playing baseball, eating foods fresh of the grill and large firework displays one holiday comes to mind: the Fourth of July. This is a great time to relax and enjoy family… and of course, FREEDOM!
So, to prepare you all for this coming Fourth, I wanted to share with you how to create the ultimate Fourth of July celebration party!
1. Hang a flag
This is a necessity! When it’s time for the Fourth of July to roll around, the flags roll out. You’ll see them outside buildings, hung up downtown and in people’s windows. So, don’t be that person that doesn’t have one, but if you forget on this day that’s okay (but really how do you forget?). We live in America and people constantly have the American flag hanging up no matter where you are; so you can really put one up at any point in the year. Side note: if you’re not familiar with the flag hanging codes please read up on those here or any other government site about the proper way to hang a flag.
2. Going to the parade
If you really want your kids to get a sugar high this is a great place to be! Parades are the highlight of my 4th of July town celebrations as a kid. I mean what kid doesn’t like free candy?! And I’m looking at the parents too! I know you snatch a few chocolate pieces from your kids candy pile when they’re not looking.
3. Town Carnivals
I’m not sure how many towns still do this, but some have carnivals. These things were so cool as kids! There was so much going on with the flashing lights, the smell of cotton candy wafting through the air and a bunch of kids screaming… To an adult that probably sounds like an instant headache coming on, I apologize. But since these only come around about once a year it’s always super fun and exciting to go explore what all is to offer.
4. Backyard BBQ
After all the in town activities are done and you’re tired it’s time to go home and cook! The Fourth is known for the outside grill outs. At these you must have hot dogs and hamburgers (or veggie burgers). If you don’t it’s just like grilling on any other day. Hot dogs and hamburgers for some reason are a staple American food and need to be celebrated too; along with apple pie, corn on the cob, watermelon and potato salad.
5. More food!
Along with grilling food you will also need to supply all guests with an American flag cake. This consist of angel food cake coated in frosting topped with strawberries and blueberries in the pattern of the American flag. I’m also not sure where this came from, but if you go to any grocery store it’s likely there will be supplies for it on one table at the front of the store surrounded by 4th of July balloons. If for some odd reason this recipe hasn’t been ingrained into your brain yet, here is a website with the recipe. Click me for yummy cake! (With this just substitute angel food cake for the yellow cake, it's so much better!)
6. Baseball
Since you ate all that food you should probably do something about that. Get some exercise by playing the all American sport, no not football, I’m talking about baseball! Grab those mits and a bat and play a makeshift game with the neighbors. (Just don’t break any windows with that home run swing of yours.)
7. Drinks
Of course after that exhausting game of baseball you’ll be pretty thirsty. I highly recommend making some homemade root beers or go all American and make it a float! Yes, I know! It is possible to make root beer. And it’s amazingly fun to whip up because you get to play with dry ice! Click me for tastey drinks and fun!
8. Water Fight
Surprise! It’s July, and it’s hot outside! So break out the swim suits and have a water fight. You can choose to make 100 water balloons and kill your fingers by tying each and every one or get this cool new gadget. If you show up to the party with this, you’ll send the enemies running! If you don’t feel like investing in balloons break out the watering hose and squirt guns.
9. Sparklers
Sparklers?! I think you mean magic wands! These are kids favorite past time before the actual fireworks start. Where I lived sadly fireworks were illegal for a majority of my life. Now that’s changed, goodbye sparklers hello big boom! I like to think of it as upgrading from my childhood sparklers.
10. Fireworks
The long awaited fireworks are now here! It’s gotten dark outside and time for the real show to begin. The giant firework show begins and your heart pounds as each one explodes in the air. This. Is. Great. As the sound of patriotic music plays in the background you relish in the moment. Each firework creates a new pattern in the sky and slowly dissipates and drifts away with the rest.
Now that you have an idea of how to set up a Fourth of July celebration get going and invite your family and neighbors to celebrate America with you!