We can all agree 2020 was a crap show. Life was stripped out from under our feet all within a days’ notice. Many unknowns haunted our thoughts. Anxiousness reigned over our lives. Normalcy became a thing of the past. We can all agree that no one knew what to expect anymore. As the year went on, more and more activities began opening back up. Eating out existed again. Parties were once again planned. People began to explore the world again. Life seemed to have come back to a sense of routine. The world was no longer afraid of adventure. It felt amazing to be able to have that mindset once again.
I'll share a quick story. It is tail end of the year 2020. By this point, I was back to working my normal hours and hanging out with my friends. As anyone else is at this time of year, I was looking to make New Year's plans. My boyfriend at the time didn't want to see me, so I decided to go my friend's house in Maryland to ring in the new year. It was a night I'll never forget. The cable wasn't working, so we made our own ball drop within half an hour of it being midnight. My friends and I had a funeral for 2020, because let’s face it, it deserved one. To top it off, we even walked across the frozen lake the next day. We ended up getting so much snow and ice, that we had to stay an extra day, which only extended the festivities; this quickly became one of my favorite memories.
I say all that to say, to not let anyone or anything hold you back from adventure and exploration. I didn't let my relationship at the time hold me back from a good time with my friends. I didn't let the world get me down, even when activities were limited. I had my moments just like everyone else. I doubted where my life was going, just like everyone else. I just chose to stand back up and cease the day. It is now a new year; 2022 to be exact. Don't let it be another 2020. Take the risk. Step out of your comfort zone. Seek out adventure. Every day is a new day to do so; don't let it waste away.