There's nothing new about the CBD craze for people. You've likely heard friends or coworkers talk about how CBD gummies or topical treatments have helped them in some way. You might have even seen some CBD products for sale at a store near you. This type of product may have been taboo in the past, due to its association with marijuana, but many Americans now use CBD products to improve their quality of life.
As it turns out, these types of products can also provide benefits to your pets. Read on for all of the details.
First off, what the heck is CBD?
You may be thinking, "Hold up, I don't even know what CBD is." If so, here's your answer. The letters abbreviate Cannabidiol, which is a compound found in the cannabis plant. It's not the same thing as marijuana – so it's not a "drug" in that sense – and is used for medicinal purposes.
​How does CBD help humans?
According to Remedy Review, it "has anti-inflammatory properties" and is said to relieve pain. Some also say it has reduced their anxiety and depression. A misconception is that since CBD comes from cannabis, like marijuana, that it will get you "high." This isn't true at all. In fact, the FDA has approved a drug with CBD as its active ingredient, which can treat rare forms of epilepsy.
​How do you take CBD?
These products come in many forms, including topical creams, beverages, gummy candies, and plenty more. You can buy these products online or in many stores throughout the nation.
​How does CBD help dogs?
There aren't any scientific studies on the matter yet, but anecdotally CBD is said to treat pain in animals. Pet owners have used it to calm separation anxiety, help arthritis, or ease nausea in their pups. Again, this hasn't been scientifically-backed, but there is a clinical trial that'll hopefully provide some more clear answers.
​How do dogs ingest the CBD oil?
Similar to human options, CBD products for dogs come in a few different forms. The simplest form is straight up CBD oil, which you would administer to your pet in set doses. This can be tough, though, if your pup is especially averse to having their mouth touched, or if they end up spitting it out. Luckily there are other options. You can purchase dog treats with CBD in them, or can even get dog food that's CBD-infused.
​So, should you give your dog CBD oil?
There's no perfect answer at this point. If your dog is struggling with pain or anxiety, then speak with your vet about how one of these products might help. They are the best source for information on your specific dog's health. If you do try out a CBD product for your dog, make sure you're careful about the dosage at first. Just like humans, every dog can react differently to treatments. And of course, make sure you get your product from a reputable company so you can ensure it's safe.