When you walk into a business school, the first thing you may notice is the copious amount of good-looking college guys in suits, and you think, “why did I not pick this as my major?!” Well let me tell ya, it isn’t just cute men in suits, ladies!
From the moment you walk into your first business class, you feel the competitiveness oozing from everyone because they are ready to go out and take something from someone whether it be a fancy internship, or a position in a well-known student organization. I won’t lie, it’s a little intimidating. It feels like a dog-eat-dog world and everyone is trying to one up each other, and I have found that one of the ultimate struggles while being a business student and just a college student in general is getting caught up in worrying about what everyone else is doing.
While you’re a freshmen, everyone always thinks, “oh yeah I’ll worry about that when it gets here, and I’ll just get an internship the summer going into my senior year.” Newsflash: freshman and sophomores are getting internships these days! Now if that doesn’t make you rethink what you’ve been doing the past two years cruising along, then I don’t know what will.
One of the hardest parts of being around such motivated people who are constantly looking to build their resumes is feeling like you aren’t doing enough. You constantly think about how those people are one up-ing you and going to be more successful because they are putting themselves out there faster than you are. Maybe you feel like, why would someone want to hire me with a 3.3 GPA involved in one student org when they could hire someone with a 3.9 GPA who is in multiple orgs and is president for one of them? It’s so easy to beat yourself up about not beginning to find an internship or not doing as well as someone else. We’re all trying to get the best job we can and companies are looking for the brightest and hardest working people out there to fill their spots.
Now if you’re anything like me, you begin to question what you’re doing with your life and if you’ll be as successful as you always dreamed of and being able to buy as many pairs of shoes as your heart desires. But, as a experienced business woman once told me during a networking event: “Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. You can’t control them, you can only control yourself.” She asked me, “do you feel like you’re doing what is right for you?”
This made me stop and think about everything I have accomplished thus far, and I realized that I am far better off than I thought, and I am right on track with where I feel I should be, and not someone else. The key here is to be selfish, think about yourself and not worry about what you cannot control. You will make the opportunities for yourself when the time is right, but more importantly, right for you.
So take a step back and reflect on where you are in your life, and focus on what you want to do, and what is good for you and your future. Things are only intimidating if that’s the way you make them out to be. Start believing in yourself and know that everything will work out the way they're supposed to.