Everyone calls a dog "man's best friend," it keeps its owner company and is a loyal companion. Dogs are great and all, but I think it's about time that cats get some recognition, too!
Cats are typically associated with women. Single women and cat lovers alike always joke that they will grow up to have a hundred cats rather than a husband. Guilty of saying this myself, I know that I would be much better off with a cat than a man any day! After a long time of consideration, I have come up with several reasons as to why a cat is well suited for us women.
First off, cats are ADORABLE and love to cuddle! If you're having a bad day and just want to hide away in the safety of your own bed, your cat will be sure to accompany you for a snuggle and a snooze. And a bonus? Cats take up much less space in the bed than another person.
Speaking of hiding away in your room, cats can be extremely temperamental and it doesn't come as a shock that when that time of month strolls around we women are a bit moody as well. This, I truly believe, allows for girls and cats to connect on an emotional level. Sometimes, no matter how awful or nice someone is treating us, we just don't want to deal with other peoples' crap.
Cats hate when their territory has been invaded. Whether it be their kittens, owner, or special cat friend, they can become unsettled and fearful that what is theirs will be taken away from them. Similarly, when I see someone infringing upon my territory (friends, family, etc.) things go downhill fast. So take note: what's mine is not for you to take.
Sleeping is a big part of life, especially during those college years. Cats spend approximately 70% of their lives sleeping. Therefore, they make the perfect pet for those lazy days. But those mid-day naps are just the calm before the storm. When they wake up they will want all your time and attention, and they will get themselves into a lot of mischief. Sound familiar, ladies? I think so.
Aside from all of the similarities, cats really are woman's best friend. Cats fill their owner's life with love, loyalty, and excitement. They are the perfect, quirky pet, and they make for quite the cute Instagram posts, too! My suggestion? If you're on the search for the perfect pet, go out and find yourself a cat!