First, I have to start by saying that I am a very proud pet mom. Not just to a cat, but a 100 lb. dog also. However, when it comes to the battle of either being a cat or dog person, I'm definitely more of a cat person. My introverted nature is a perfect match for my cat. There are a few things in particular that are my favorite about being a cat person including the following;
1. All the photos
Yes, I know what you're thinking. "I take pictures of my dog too?" You would be right. However, there is something to be said about a good cat photo. I don't know if it is the eyes, or the whiskers trailing off in the distance. But when I see a cat picture I automatically let out a sigh and a HUGE giggle. My name is Alex and I love cat photos.
2. The Entertainment
Even if you aren't a cat person, how many times have you heard ridiculous stories of what a cat has done? I can't count how many times my cat will randomly take off through the house. Or jump from ledge to ledge on his cat tree like he is a contestant on American Ninja Warrior. I am pretty sure cats are clinically crazy.
3. The Attitude
When it comes to cat attitudes I think they can range from that one kid in high school that was known for the "IDGAF" attitude. Or they can be the preppy girl that after everything she says she swivels her head and does a Z-formation snap. They want your love, but then as soon as they've had enough they're pissed. Not to mention after you're done their instincts is to bathe themselves because they think humans stink. Don't even get me started if you make the mistake of rubbing their tummies.
4. Cat Memes
Who doesn't like a rockin' cat meme? No more explanation needed. Cat memes are life.
So yes, I am a cat person. I love their attitudes and cuddles. However, I have to give dogs their props too. I mean, look at that face?