After living in a dorm at my university I couldn't wait to move off campus! I was ready for the freedom that brings, but I was the most excited about this change for a different reason: moving off campus meant that I could adopt a cat! I was so excited to have a little, fluffy friend; however, I had no idea I was actually adopting a child. Here are eight of the main reason my cat is basically my child.
1. The day they came home was one of the happiest days of your life
I remember it like it was yesterday: the day she was ready to come home. I had prepared for her arrival in every way possible: she had a comfy bed, she had more toys than necessary, and I had stocked up on all the essentials. When my kitten arrived home life felt complete. Sound familiar?2. When you’re baby is sick you do everything necessary to make him/her feel better
The first time you notice your cat is under the weather you go into cat mommy mode! You will google all the home remedies of the common cat cold and tips to treat your furry child at home, but when those attempts fail, and they almost always do, you are more than willing to spend your life savings on a trip to the vet. After spending $300 at the vet, you spend a week, or more, giving your cat medicine three times a day even though she claws you to death every single time. We will do anything to take care of our babies.3. They cost more money than what should be necessary
Not only do those vet visits cost an arm and a leg, throw on top of that everything else. First you have the adoption fees, then once they are home they need cat food, a liter box and liter, toys, beds (even though we know they won’t sleep in them), collars, you have to replace/fix all the stuff they break from being crazy, the list goes on and on. Cats are honestly so expensive!4. They keep you up at all hours of the night
It may be 2 a.m. and you are sleeping, but that means it’s the perfect time for your furry child to sprint around the house and tear things down. Oh, you’re trying to sleep? Too bad because he/she is going to run across your body and chew on your face. I lose more sleep from being a cat mommy than being a college student.5. They make everyday tasks extremely difficult
It doesn't matter if you are sweeping the floor, washing your face, or doing homework, that cat is right next to you making that task harder than it should be.6. Sometimes they love you; sometimes they hate you. Cats are interesting creatures
For such cute, small animals, they sure can be vicious. Sometimes they even let you know that they love you, and that's the absolute best!7. They depend on you for everything
When you have a cat you basically are his/her parent. You provide him/her with all the basic necessities, but you also provide love and fun.8. Even though they make your life hard, you love them unconditionally.
I will deal with the vet bills and sleepless nights because I love my cat. It’s what you do. No matter how many scratches I have on my body or how much money I have to spend on her she is my baby, and I love her. I wouldn’t trade her, or her ridiculousness, for anything.