People often make judgements and criticize what they do not understand. Some do not want to understand. The Catholic faith is beautiful and I want others to understand why. Before judging what you do not understand, read this list of assumptions people tend to make about the catholic faith that are totally wrong.
1. Catholics worship Mary.
This comes up a lot. Because Catholics pray to Mary, it is often seen as worship. This is a simple misunderstanding. We, in fact, honor Mary. Jesus gave Mary to us as our Mother when he was on the cross. We honor her just as we honor our mother and father here on earth.
2. Catholics are not Christians...
This could not be further from the truth. In fact, Catholics are the first Christians. See, all other denominations started long after Catholics came about. We have been around since 33 A. D. Other denominations didn't come about until long after that.
3. Catholics worship saints...
This is just like the situation with Mary, Our Blessed Mother. We in no circumstance, worship saints. We don't worship anything or anyone other than God. We are simply asking them to intercede on our behalf. The same way you would ask a friend or family member to pray for you. By telling someone you'll pray for them, you are telling them that you will intercede on their behalf to God. We do the same thing with the Saints.
4. Catholics added books to the Bible...
Catholics were here first. We had the Bible first. There are a total of 73 books in the Catholic Bible. 46 are in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. We have what we often refer to as the director's cut. We have everything that other denominations cut out and don't use. We kept all the books, Protestants decided to remove a handful of them that were inconsistent with their teachings.
5. Catholics believe non-catholics are going to Hell...
This could not be further from the truth. We can neither deny or confirm who is in hell and who is going to hell. We can't see into the heart as God can. We do not even know if we're going to heaven so we can't assume where others will end up.
6. Catholics can buy their way into Heaven...
Again, could not be further from the truth. We hope we'll end up in Heaven. It is dependent on faith and works and each of us is different. We certainly do not buy or assume our way into heaven.
7. If you die before you are baptized you go to Hell...
This is not true at all. God looks at the heart. He looks at the intentions of the person versus the timing of their death. For instance, if you were on your way to getting baptized or to get your baby baptized and you/the baby died in a car accident, you probably wouldn't go to hell because your intention was for baptism but you died before you got there.
8. Catholics are not allowed to think for themselves because they have to do everything the Pope says...
This one often seems a little foggy. We can and selves. We also listen to the pope. We also know and understand that the pope is human too. It is perfectly okay to not fully agree with the pope when it comes to things outside of church doctrine (the unchanging teaching of the church).
9. Christ is sacrificed over and over at every Mass...
The sacrifice of the Mass is what we call the unbloody sacrifice. That is because Jesus is not dying over and over again. He already did that on the cross. The Mass represents Christ's death on the cross.
10. The Catholic Church discourages the Bible...
This is far from true. If you look at the Catholic Mass, you'll see how much of scripture in integrated into the Mass. If you don't believe Catholics read the bible, then go to an Easter Vigil. It'll feel like we read the entire Bible in one night. Also, Catholics kept all the books of the bible. They wouldn't do this and then discourage people from reading it. Catholics may now all have the bible memorized verse for verse, but we certainly will meditate on it and use it in our prayer time and day to day life.