College is a special time for all of us. It's a time in our lives where we learn about ourselves and develop opinions. It's the place where we develop as people but we're all similar and strange during this transition period to adulthood. College does some weird things to us as people. For example, I came to the realization that we are all similar to cats. I woke up from a nap one day and I called it a cat nap but then I realized we have more in common with cats then we realize. There's a reason we watch so many cat videos everyday, it's because we identify with cats.
1. Cat Naps
Naps are important and they are all we need in this world.
2. Hate People
Those days when your professor adds a random assignment that wasn't on the syllabus or when the caf actually has decent food and everyone and the mother shows up for dinner at the same time as you.
3. Love Snuggling
After a long day we all find someone or something to cuddle up with. It could be an SO, a bottle of wine, some Netflix, or a roommate.
4. Indecisive
To go outside or not? To do homework or not?
5. Lazy
We do nothing all day. Even when we have so much to do.
6. Active
We have a lot to do and when it comes down to it we're running around all over the place to get things done. First it's your adviser the registrar then class then work then clubs then dinner then mail.... it never ends
7. Just Plain Weird
I don't think this needs any explanation.
8. Ditzy
It's not a bad thing. We all have those days where we have no idea what is going on in our life.
9. Easily Distracted
I don't think anyone's able to hold their attention for longer than 5 minutes.
10. Debatable
Not everyone is a cat lover. The people that do love cats though absolutely love them. The same for college kids. I think every high schooler worships people in college the rest of the world kind of hates our attitude. #hatersgonnahate
11. Food
We all love food. Free food, Fast food, fancy food all types of food
12. Love of Computers
Our lives revolve around computers. Whether it's an essay we have to write or netflix and memes we always have a reason to use a computer.
13. Unforgettable
Every cat you meet is always going to hold a special place in your heart. So is every college kid whether you hate us or love us you'll always remember that one time so and so did something.
Cats are individuals and so are we. College make us a little quirky like cats but hey it's okay to be a cat. Cats are pretty rad.