My Cat Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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My Cat Taught Me To Slow Down

I needed her reminder to stop being so busy and simply enjoy the fresh air.

Black Cat Sleeping
Corrinne Brubaker

Since moving to Florida, my cat Misty's favorite place is outside on our back patio. She spends nearly half the day and night lounging out there, and I've learned a thing or two from my goofy cat's habits.

Misty is a very needy cat. She requires hours of petting and cuddles, and if we are too busy watching movies or playing games, Misty knows how to get our attention be digging her claws into our leather chairs. Sometimes she wants food, sometimes she wants us to open the door so she can go outside, but most of the time when you get up to see what she wants she will run back to the bedroom and throw herself on the floor meowing as cute as possible for you to pet her.

Recently I noticed that she would ask to go outside when the door was already open. I would show her the door, and she would slowly walk outside and look back at me as she did as if she wanted to show me something. I realized the patio is Misty's favorite place, and just like I want to share the things I enjoy with the ones I love, Misty wanted to share the things she enjoys with me.

After realizing this, I decided to go outside and sit with Misty on the patio, and when I did, she was so happy. She wagged her tail wildly looking swaying it back and forth in the air as she looked around at the nature around her with pure excitement. Then she looked at me excited that I was there with her. She brushed against my hand and rolled around on the cool concrete. She loved feeling it's rough texture against her skin. She stretched her legs and rolled again getting dirt and dust all over her long, silky black hair.

Ever since then, I have made it a point to enjoy Misty's world with her now and then, even if it doesn't seem as exciting to me at the moment, it is to her, and making her happy is the best feeling.

The other night I didn't have much to do, and I wanted some fresh air myself, so I went outside to where Misty had been lounging by herself for the past 20 minutes and sat beside her on the yoga mat we had placed on the patio. She came right up next to me and rolled on the concrete by my side as I stroked her fur. This time I had nothing else to do and decided to stop and just enjoy the moment in the fresh air with Misty.

It was completely dark out; the big dipper and a few other major constellations were visible in the sky overhead. The warm, humid air embraced me like a blanket. It was cozy, and I could see why Misty loved it so much. I stretched my legs out on the yoga mat and got comfy. As I stroked Misty who was rolling beside me, I listened to the frogs singing in the night; their calls grew louder and louder, as crickets sang along. The silhouetted palms danced overhead.

How often did I stop to enjoy the night air like this, like Misty did every night for hours on end? Maybe I could learn a thing or two from my cat who knew how to stop everything and enjoy the night air. I thought back to how busy I often am playing games, browsing Facebook, doing school, cleaning, and how often do I just stop and listen to the crickets and frogs, watch the wind blow through the branches, or gaze at the stars in the sky?

I inhaled, relaxed, even more than I would have felt inside in my bed. There's something about nature—I don't quite understand it, but all the elements, the air, the sounds, forms the most relaxing environment. Nature almost always has this effect, yet I seem to forget it as I get caught up and stressed in the business of life. Thankfully, I have my cat who beckons me outside, reminding me of the importance of sitting still and simply enjoying the night air. She's known something all along that I have often missed.

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