Why this was posted under “Weird News” and not “Front Page” I don’t know, because this guy is my new favorite rapper. I only regret not knowing about him before now. The guy I’m talking about, Moshow, raps about his cats. Beginning his rap career with the typical gangster content found in most rap, Moshow was highly dissatisfied with his art. Once he found his new muse, however, music again became his passion.
Moshow’s involvement with cats began in college, rather late in life but nevertheless a time when we all explore and develop new interests. As a devoted fan of the Sphynx breed, I can’t help but think this guy is a little odd. For the readers not acquainted with the feline species, Sphynx cats are completely hairless and personally freak me out a little bit. But Moshow seems to have established an ethereal bond with his four Sphynxes. Reportedly, he sympathizes with these cats because he too is bald.
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As for his music, some of Moshow’s biggest hits include “Cat World” and, one of my favorites, “Love Your Cats”—two great ballads about some great animals. His music videos are just as enticing as his subjects, and I highly recommend checking out his YouTube channel, iAmMoshow. He looks incredibly pleased to be “chilling in a cat world” when he used to be “in the projects roughin’.”
In addition to his celebrity presence on YouTube, Moshow’s Instagram is another impressive social media outlet to explore. This lovely man has #YesMenLoveCatsMondays and #BeautifulCatLadyWednesdays on his Insta, showcasing the incredible cat lovers of the world. I aspire to one day be featured on #BeautifulCatLadyWednesday with my own beautiful cat (S/O to Sox).
In conclusion, I think that Moshow should host the first cat rapper concert where concert goers must bring their cats—or better yet, receive a kitten upon admission.