Cat or dog person? The age old question that goes through everyone’s mind at some point. Do I like cats or dogs more? Does my significant other like cats or dogs more? What would happen if we liked the opposite animals? Would we even be compatible?
You probably have friends who like cats, and others who like dogs. Whoever decided that you have to pick between the two? There are good and bad things about both species as pets and if the right one will fit into your lifestyle the best.
The Egyptians used to worship the cat. They were the protectors of the dead and have been taken care of by humans for most of history. Cats have been seen as aloof, solitary and snooty animals by the people who don’t own them. This is simply not true; cats can play games and learn tricks like fetch if the owner takes the time to train them properly.
- Cats love to play. They will run, jump, or play with toys all day long. This is great entertainment for you as well, watching these agile creatures run back and forth across the room.
- Everyone loves a cat’s purr. It has been proven to calm humans down during a time of stress. They purr when they are happy and content being around their owner.
- They do like their alone time. When you go to work or school they will be perfectly fine on their own but, if you are leaving for a weekend or longer it is important to have someone come watch them and play with them.
- Cats don’t require constant attention they are happy to just be around you. If you are sitting on the couch they will be happy as a clam sitting next to you or in your lap watching TV.
- Easy to potty train. They are easy to train to go to the bathroom in the litter box. Once or twice show them where it is and they get the picture. You can even train them to use the toilet if you want to.
Dogs are man’s best friend. They are the epitome of loyalty and love. A dog will love you forever no matter what happens. They will follow you to the ends of the Earth.
- Loyalty. A dog is as loyal as they come. They bond with one person but, can be loyal to the whole family as well. A dog will always do what it thinks is best for its owner.
- Easily trainable. A dog can be trained to do all of the standard trick like sit and stay but they can also be trained how to open doors, turn on lights and bring you things as well.
- You can take a dog almost everywhere. Dogs are becoming accepted more and more places across the globe. From restaurants with outdoor seating to bookstores like Barnes and Noble, a dog can be accepted there even when it isn’t a service dog.
- Dogs are like small children. They require regular bathing, activities and almost constant attention. If you have the time for a dog it is a whirlwind experience.
- Dogs can make you exercise. A dog will require a brisk walk or run once maybe even twice a day depending on the breed. This will require you to take them out and about, making you exercise as well as the dog. A well exercised dog keeps them out of trouble.
Whatever animal you decide to get, make sure that you find one to fit your lifestyle. If you’re constantly in school or at work a dog might not be the best, a cat might be the best fit. If you live alone and are getting ready to start in a new town or city, a dog might be the best companion for you.