My whole life, our family home has always housed cats. There was never a time when we didn't have one. Nineteen years of my life have been graced with the joy of nine individually unique cats. We currently have four cats and two dogs, which is quite the zoo. One of the fur babies is my child — Maizy. Three years ago, my family adopted her as a little kitten still living on milk and new to the world. On a whim and with no hesitation, she became mine. She was so scared of life and shy of everything. It took forever to get her out of her shell. But now, her and I are living on our own in our own home. Having her in my life is the best decision I could have ever made. She brings me so much joy every time I look at her spotted nose and big green eyes; I couldn't imagine life any other way.
Even if she does drive me crazy sometimes, like when she scratches at the carpet, I love my Maizy Daisy with my whole heart and she is my baby.
1. Cats are low maintenance in comparison to other animals; they care for themselves (most of the time).
Not required: daily walks, bathing, play time.
Grooming only necessary based on breed.
2. Their purrs are so much better than any white noise machine.
Jordan Dobbs
The sound of a cat purring while you drift off to sleep is comforting, like a blanket of warm love.
3. Their fur is always incredibly soft because they bathe themselves.
Again, little maintenance — no bathing required. Unless you have a long-haired kitty, which requires more attention in that department.
4. They can be very playful and quirky.
One thing I've learned from being a devoted cat mom is that Maizy loves rubber bands, hair ties, or Q-Tips more than any catnip toy I have bought for her.
5. They end up in weird places.
I've found our cats behind the refrigerator (or above it), inside the dryer, chilling in the bathtub, sitting on top of a cabinet, in the fireplace, and sunbathing on a window sill.
6. They are the perfect greeters to you when you come home from work or school.
Jordan Dobbs
Once you see their adorable face, all you want to do is collapse besides them and take a cat nap.
7. A cat nap with a cat is the best kind of nap.
Jordan Dobbs
Cats are napping champions and we all need to take a page from their book on the practice of the ultimate nap.
8. Each cat has a unique personality, in which they may act like a dog at times.
Just admit it, as wonderful as cats are, they are strange animals. I've had cats eat meat, sit on command, and play fetch. And half the time my dog doesn't listen to me when we play fetch.
9. They are clever little hunters when it comes to bugs in the home.
Not everyone can stomach a spider on the wall. But, a cat has the best agility to get the job done when you need a hero. No need to fret, the cat's got it.
10. They embody the perfect combination of lazy and energetic.
Jordan Dobbs
They may sleep most of the day away, but when they've got a spurt of energy — watch out.
11. They may invade your space at times, but honestly who cares? You probably needed a break anyways.
Whenever you try to do work on your laptop, they have some odd need to sit right on the keyboard and stop you from any further production.
12. They comfort you when you're down about life.
A cozy kitten can lift your spirits when you've had it rough. Their unconditional love for you can heal wounds.
13. Cats can make your stone cold heart warm again.
Their personality and quirky actions can thaw any frozen heart. Who can resist a kitten with big round eyes and a wiggling butt when they attack a catnip mouse.
14. They are full of so much humor even if they don't speak.
Their strange behavior, like trying to jump onto the bed and just barely making it as they fall to the ground, can make anyone crack up with laughter that makes tears form in your eyes.
15. Having a #Catstagram is too much fun and you need to share your cat's awesomeness to others.
Jordan Dobbs
Following other pet parents and looking at cute pictures of animals is can be the best a part of your day. Sharing a love for animals with others rewards us all with laughter and love. My account @themaizydaisy, only just emerged, but it has been such a fun activity to spread the joy of Maizy.
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