Watch out! One move of a finger and they’ll pounce right on you.
Don’t tell them what to do because they won’t listen to you any way. That’s right, felines have minds of their own, and they choose not to succumb to their human counterpart. Even though they’re temperamental, don’t listen, and basically do whatever they please, cats are one of the best pets anyone could have.
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Six years ago it was a rainy and stormy night. After having to take out the garbage, a small little orange and white spotted kitten approached me. You know when they do that thing where they purrrr and push up again your leg? Yeah, call me a sucker, because she got me!
Once she followed me into the house, it was a done deal. Pumpkin has been a part of the White family ever since. We’ve even moved all the way from the East Side to the West, and she’s traveled with us and made herself a second home.
There’s no competition between cat and dog lovers, however, it is clear which one is more superior.
They Take No Bull S@#!+
Unlike dogs, that are trained to sit, stand, rollover, etc., a cat won’t go for that AT ALL. You can tell them to get out the way when the cat decides to lie in the middle of the floor, and I bet my left arm that cat isn’t going anywhere if it doesn’t decide to.
The old saying is that you can’t teach old dog new tricks, but you can’t teach a cat any tricks if they aren’t down for it.
Great Companions
Of course dogs are man’s best friend, but cats are just as loyal. They will stay by your side up until the day they die. Of course they might slap at you and give you a scratch every now and again, but just look at those as little love taps (#toughlove).
Cats are also a joy to have around the house. Unlike dogs that require constant attention, cats could care less. When they decide to be rubbed, they’ll approach you with those big cat eyes. That’s when you know the cat has trained you like a good little human being; this is when you pet them and rub them, at least until they get tired of it, then they might try to bite you.
Potty Trained!!!
I know all dog owners have to be jealous of this trait. You don’t have to take a cat out so they can let one loose! Victory!!!! Cats already got it covered, give them a box and they’ll call it their bathroom. Who can argue with that? Even dog owners have to give that trait some respect.
Very Entertaining
There is a fair share of funny cat videos on the internet, and especially on YouTube. It is true that cats are very entertaining because they’re curious by nature. Always exploring, always getting in to any and everything lying around the house. If you ever leave a box unattended to, it’s a cat’s job to investigate and analyze every inch of that box inside and out.
I laugh at something my cat does at least one a day. Because it’s been so hot, she has this funny habit of laying right where the Air Conditioner blows the air out. It so funny because she’s so smart, she’ll see when I first start walking to the A.C. and she’ll jump down from wherever she is, and she’ll wait for me to turn it on, and she’ll stretch out on the table where she can feel the air.
Overall, I wouldn’t trade my Pumpkin for the world. I love dogs as well, but there’s just something about having a cat by your side. They have character; they’re smart, and very energetic. Who wouldn’t want those type of characteristics in a pet?