It is important to know the terms that are associated with your favorite animal. Below are 15 important terms that you need to know to understand and communicate better with your kitty!
Toe Beans

The little pads on a cats foot.
Bean Stalks

A cats legs. The term bean stalk derives from the idea that the toe beans grow from the leg, hence, bean stalk.

A kitty's teeth or fangs.

A kitty's nose and muzzle, perfect for a boop.

A big boi. A chonk can be referred to as any cat but mainly big bois.

When a cat is laying on it's side and its legs are straight out, as demonstrated by my kitty.

When a cat is laying down but not fully relaxed and he tucks all of his feet under.
Noodle/Long Boi

When a cat lays down and is very very long, usually seen in addition to a strechum.

Usually performed when a kitty wakes up or has been sitting for a long time, better known as a stretch to us humans.

A cat laying with it's feet on both sides of whatever it is sitting on.

When a cat wants attention, it will perform a biff and knock something off of a counter.

When a kitty is tired and just falls to the floor, similar to a sploot in doggos.

When a cat's tongue is partially out of it's mouth.

When a kitty sleeps curled up in a ball, demonstrated by my kitty.

What you say when you see a big 'ol chonk.