Cash Me Ousside Girl Needs Some Help | The Odyssey Online
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Cash Me Ousside Girl Needs Some Help

she doesn't who she is and America is working it

Cash Me Ousside Girl Needs Some Help

It has been a little while since a gimmick has taken hold of the fragile minds of America, so naturally, a new one must occur, if only to keep ourselves reasonably entertained. And of course, the next gimmick that details how low humanity is willing to sink into its own unconsciousness debuts itself on the Dr. Phil talk show.

A person who watches the above clip of Danielle Bregoli, aka "the cash me ousside girl", is automatically sizing this girl up, partly because that is the perception of herself she is trying to induce in others. The same person probably can't help having their first though about her be, "A Mess".

That person would be right; this girl is real messy, from her "accent" to the fact that she was threatening to take her mom outside and beat her up, "straight up from the hood" style. Keep in mind she is twelve years old at the time of this recording. Yes America, you have raised yet another stellar daughter.

Now let's get to the elephant in the room: why is she acting like she is from the hood, only hangs around Black people 'in the streets and learns their ways', and just doesn't give a f*ck? I am sure there are many valid ones. But it all comes down to representations of power. For whatever reason, this girl sees the representation of Black people from the hood as a place and social status where she has power. Power over who is anyone's guess.

On the original YouTube video of her infamous catchphrase (are we really considering mangled imitation slang as catchphrases? Go figure), one person commented that "her mom's explaining what she is saying like she's the urban dictionary." As Bregoli is exercising all the vocabulary she has learned from "the Blacks", her mom sits there and starts to translate. But did anyone think that by doing something like this, Bregoli gets validated in her new "urban" persona? Apparently not, because everyone, even the audience feeds into the sideshow, especially when they start clapping when Bregoli refers to the audience as "hoes".

Anyone with half a brain can see that Bregoli's behavior is the typical problem child case of a cry for help, attention, and money. How does a person go from an innocent girl who nursed her mom through chemotherapy in 2009 despite financial woes, to a "ahem" hood chick stealing cars and trying to frame her mother for her crimes? You can see Bregoli's real personality and statements from her mother about what it was like when she was dealing with breast cancer at the Palm Beach Post. It was just the two of them, two women against the world. See where I am going with this?

It is clear Danielle Bregoli is doing what she is doing for MALE attention. There, I said it. When you look at the new persona she is attempting to create (I say attempting because it is a horrible imitation, akin to BlackFace), the fact that she was about to attack her mother on the Dr. Phil show and only sat down after getting in her mother's face when Dr. Phil told her to "sit down", and is objectifying herself all over social media, it is clear: Danielle wants to be considered hot, bad "bitch", and a ride or die chick. Or she is literally possessed by a Black chick who doesn't know where she is. Still not convinced? Look at her demeanor when Dr. Phil is reading her and goes into her father. She looks like she is trying not to cry, and that is PAIN. that 'learned' too?

Dr. Phil is right (ha): she is protective of herself because of being hurt, but specifically by male dominance. She has feelings towards her father, both loves and can't stand her mother, and is "trying to be free and have fun", as stated on the show. Basically, she feels confined by patriarchy and its systems, yet craves male attention. Like an average, all-American teenager. See what I am saying? Again, Bregoli's show is a cry for help. However, and yes I am going to say it, why does yet another Caucasian girl/young woman's manner of "fighting the man" and white male patriarchy express itself at the expense of the Black community? I know! Maybe she can be given a reality show and we can all find out together! After all, she made Dr. Phil, and gave bullied teenagers a voice by mouthing off, stealing, and beating up her mother. Thank you, America.

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