I don't know about you, but I hate change. Change makes me upset, uncomfortable, and nervous. I like my routine, and I like for things to stay exactly the way they are. But sometimes change is a reality in life that is unavoidable. This fact has become especially clear as I've moved away from home and started a new life in college.
College is a big change for me. Up until now, I've lived in the same house in the same city for my entire life. But just a few days ago, I packed it all up and moved six hours away from everything I've ever known. To say the least, I'm getting a new appreciation for the phrase "emotional roller coaster." In spite of the overwhelming experience that this change has been, it has also made me realize that change may not be all bad. Here are three reasons to make a case for change.
1. Change re-energizes.
A life change may be just what we need to start over and renew. Shaking things up can re-inspire us, and remind us of who we really want to be. As I decorated my dorm room, I remembered how much I love to make things pretty. I remembered how much I like my own little space. It made me excited and inspired, thinking about the possibilities ahead. Change can create new opportunities and get us excited again.
2. Change makes us grow.
Everybody likes their comfort zone—that's why they call it the comfort zone. If nothing ever changed, we would probably just stay there forever. But change often shoves us right out of our safe area into something totally new. It pushes us and challenges us. It makes us learn from those new experiences, and in turn, we can become better people.
3. Change brings us back to the One who never changes.
We can be sure that life will change. But we can also be sure that God will never change. His promises, His truth, and His love remain firm in the face of any new situation that comes our way. And maybe He allows a change in our lives because it reminds us that He will always be the same. That is the one thing that we can hold onto.
I still don't really like change. But for all of the hard parts of change, there may actually be some really good ones. Change can be inspiring and rejuvenating. Change pushes us to grow. And change reminds us that God doesn't change. For that reason, I'll say I like change just a little bit.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." -Hebrews 13:8