Cartoons have been the epitome of the childhood experience since the debut of black and white animation in the early 1900s. Now, renowned cartoons of today including "The Simpsons," "Family Guy" and "American Dad" have dominated television with their family-oriented appearance. (You can find them on TBS, FXX, FXNow, or Cartoon Network: Adult Swim.)
These cartoons are typically geared towards millennials. I know it sounds absurd to make cartoons geared towards older people, but nowadays producers have found ways to perpetuate childhood experience in the form of cartoons. And these are not just ordinary animations, they satirize American culture and current events, often pinpointing the flaws of society with crude comedy. Millennials can easily relate to topics mentioned in the cartoons because of their matured understanding.
These particular cartoons mention subject matters like unscrupulous political agenda, stereotypical American behavior, exploitation of the natural environment and so on. And of course there will be sexual innuendos here and there but these days what show hasn't?
I was at least 10 years old when I started watching "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" but some of the jokes made no sense to me at the time. Going back to watch those old episodes when I was 16 made more sense to me more than anything and now I can look at current episodes and connect them with things I've learned over the years. I recall watching a recent episode of "The Simpsons" with the character Maxine Lombard, voiced by Jane Fonda, as a Democratic assembly woman; this episode touched on the importance of the natural environment surrounding suburbs and how big companies tend to overlook the well being of the environment. Maxine Lombard takes a stand as a major environmentalist but eventually gets into an affair with the infamous Mr. Burns, who is a big businessman and one of the main characters in the show. The affair sheds light on corruption in politics.
Current events and societal downfall become the bread and butter for shows like "The Simpsons." It is important for people to understand the messages these shows present because they become a crucial part of spreading awareness for some pretty important things.