During a recent late-night roommate conversation, I reminisced on all the cartoons I watched as a kid. Okay fine, I also watched some YouTube vidoes with terrible sound and graphics. Anyway, we decided that some shows are too good to have not watched. If you haven't watched any of these, you should. Right after sharing this article to make sure everyone else has to. Friendly comment: they're in no particular order.
1. Dragon Tales (1999-2005)
I can still--shamelessly--belt out the intro song. Those kids were my best friends when I sat down in front of the TV, and I always knew the dragons would be there during a time of need. Also, who wouldn't want to go to Dragonland?
2. Scooby Doo (1969-forever probably)
Taking names, solving mysteries, and eating all the time. Sounds like my idea of a good time. The original gang--and the greatest, if I might add (especially Casey Kasem).
3. Little Bear (1995-2003)
Yeah, in the 90s, everyone could be friends--even the bear and the chicken!! Why can't we all get along like them?
4. The Flintstones (1960-1966)
Okay, so maybe this one came along before our time. That does not make it any less worthy to exist on this list! I always had a yabba dabba doo time while watching. If you didn't, you're lying.
5. Snorks (1984-1989)
Another throwback for the older crow, but I might appreciate it a little more. Friends, love, enemies, danger, fun--all underwater. As a kid who feared water, this was a thriller for me (laugh all you want).
6. The Smurfs (1981-1989)
Yes, children, a cartoon existed before the movies and it was wayyyy better. Think you know the whole story? Watch the TV series, and you'll learn so much more.
7. Franklin (1997-2004)
I named my first horse after this turtle--enough said.
I'll leave it at that for now. Check back next week for more suggestions (after you've watched these); if you comment or message me, maybe you will even see yours!