Why Carrie Underwood Is The Perfect Role Model | The Odyssey Online
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Why Carrie Underwood Is The Perfect Role Model

Why Carrie Underwood Is The Perfect Role Model

Everyone knows Carrie Underwood as the season-four winner of American Idol, but since the singer won the show in 2005, her career has exploded into so much more than just being the winner of a competition. People are not only obsessed with her music but also her as a wife, mother, Christian and person. Here's why:

1. She is a disciple of God.

Underwood is a God-fearing woman and she is not afraid to show it by any means. One of Underwood's first hits was "Jesus, Take the Wheel," which you can probably guess is about faith. She has also had another hit recently, "Something in the Water," which is about her journey to Christ and how you too can find your saving grace.

2. She's just a small-town girl.

Underwood didn't grow up on the streets of Los Angeles or strutting through New York City; she grew up in the small town of Checotah, OK. She's just a small-town girl who grew up on a farm and never even flew on a plane until her adventure with American Idol, and has maintained her down-to-earth, humble lifestyle even through her fame.

3. Her music is empowering.

Whether she's giving you the bad girl vibe or the sweet, loving side in her songs, she's making you feel like you can conquer the world. Not a single song puts you down in the dumps and let's face it — if you are going through a breakup, she's the girl to listen to. Not Taylor Swift. With songs like, "Before He Cheats," "Good Girl," "Cowboy Casanova," "Wasted," "Relapse" and so many more you'll be wondering why you ever shed a tear.

4. She's classy.

You've never seen Underwood in the tabloids for wearing provocative clothing, for getting thrown out of a club, arrested or worse, and you never will. She doesn't need these cries for attention to get the world to hear her: she just has to be herself and we naturally follow her because she's perfect. She's the real role model for girls everywhere, not Miley Cyrus — or anyone like her — by any means.

5. She is charitable.

On top of that, Underwood created the C.A.T.S. Foundation and is a supporter of The Humane Society of the United States, which she has also done numerous public service announcements for. Underwood is a supporter of 24 different charities and foundations and has donated not just her money but also her time to these various organizations.

6. She has a sense of humor.

The 32-year-old singer may not look like she's funny, but she's actually hilarious. Her fun, life-loving personality is contagious and a lot of times she is making fun of herself, another appealing quality. She's not afraid to admit when she's messed up, but she's also able to laugh at herself for it.

7. She's America's real Sweetheart.

Not Taylor Swift, sorry. Carrie Underwood is known for being a sweetheart. She has never, that I can recall, upset anyone. Ever. If she did, I'm sure she probably felt awful for it.

8. She's kind of a bad-ass.

You can definitely see just how bad-ass she is in her music videos too. Also, it doesn't hurt to be friends with Miranda Lambert. Let's just say, I wouldn't wanna be around if you were the guy who did Carrie Underwood wrong.

9. She's a mother.

I think that most mothers would find it hard to not only care for their child, but to look that good doing it while still working on music, releasing an album and going on tour. She seems to be handling it pretty well though, of course.

10. She's a wife.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of her work, she is still a wife and mother at the end of the day. Underwood is married to Mike Fisher, a hockey player for the Nashville Predators, and you can find her supporting him at almost every single one of his games.

11. She's gorgeous.

Last, but certainly not least, Carrie Underwood is the definition of "goals." Her legs alone have become a worldwide sensation and the blonde bombshell enjoys fitness so much she started her own fitness clothing line. How much more perfect can one person be?

So basically, we all want to be Carrie Underwood and you can now see that there are multiple reasons why. Today, so many girls don't know who to look up to and end up choosing the wrong role models.

This is why you should choose Carrie Underwood to look up to. At the end of the day, she's just a regular girl — who just so happens to be perfect. Keep on rocking Carrie and you know I've been listening to the "Storyteller" album while writing this.

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