Let's start this by establishing what a freaking icon Carrie Underwood is. I have looked up to her ever since her bangs and frizzy hair (talk about a glow up). I used to scream "Some Hearts" on my karaoke machine. The thing I love most about her is that Hollywood has not changed her. Miley Cyrus is a prime example of a sweet Nashville girl going completely bananas. Carrie has remained strong in her faith and has become even more amazing with age. Carrie has always known her worth and stuck to what she knows is true. Carrie deserves Mike.
I heard somewhere one time (super helpful) that we must be like the person we want to marry. What this means is we can't hop from bed to bed and expect sweet Mike Fisher to pick us up at a bar. Not saying guys that go to bars aren't husband material but hop on my metaphor train. I'm about to go into "stereotype-ville" so bear with me.
Most guys that find girls at bars are not thinking "Wow she has the best personality. I want my parents to meet her." They are finding the girls that look the easiest to take home for one night.
Again, this is not all guys. The point of this little tangent is that we as women need to not try so hard to meet our husband while downtown. We should be looking for great guys at our church or at work. I know freshman year I went downtown looking so cute expecting a sweet boy to come up to me. Man, was I disappointed. Good guys like Mike Fisher are not going to be posted up on a wall waiting to catch a twerk. Good guys like Mike Fisher are also not going to be attracted to girls that are doing that. Also not to say that the girl throwing the twerk cannot become a Carrie. She can. Everyone can change and become the best version of ourselves. Are you seeing where I am going with this?
We are in the stage of life where we need to start thinking about the future. Would you want your husband picking up girls at a bar? Heck no. So why would you be the girl that is getting picked up? There will come a day when I sit down with my husband and tell him about my past. Let me tell you it will not be a fun conversation, but if he's the right guy he will love me through it. We will all end up having these conversations.
How amazing would you feel if your fiancé tells you that he realized his past is messy, but he has changed for you? He has changed to be the best husband that you could imagine. He stopped being the guy who picks girls up at the bar because he knew you would be worth the wait. You would be on cloud eleven at that point. I want to be able to sit down and tell my husband the same. That I thought of him and prayed for him before I knew him.
I need to be a Carrie Underwood. I need to keep my eyes on Jesus and keep my values in check. I truly believe that I deserve the best and I will get the best. God has the best Mike Fisher picked out for me. In order to run into my Mike, I need to be more like Carrie. Does that make sense? We should all expect the best and we should all want to act the best. We should work towards our "perfect" idea of ourselves. The past has happened — I'm sure even Carrie has regrets. We might not look like a Carrie now, but we can. I am determined to become the best me not only for me, but for my Mike. We need to be our best self before we expect to meet our best.