Don't we all wish for our own Prince Charming? One lucky lady at the University of Calgary in Canada got hers! Twitter has been blowing up with the story of Carlos Zetina, a University of Calgary student who met a woman named Nicole at a local bar on September sixth. After Carlos helped Nicole and her roommate get home safely, Carlos didn't get her last name and Nicole accidentally gave him the wrong number.
Carlos was distraught.
Carlos was so smitten with her, he sent a mass email to every Nicole, or variation of Nicole, at the University of Calgary – all 247 of them. The Nicoles united, formed a Facebook group and Nicole was found. Allegedly, Nicole gave Carlos the wrong number because she is an exchange student from Holland and hasn't memorized her new Canadian number yet. Carlos got Nicole's real number and they are going on a date next week, according to Fox News.
Meanwhile, while Nicole is so lucky to literally have a Prince Charming chasing after her, we're her chasing after men who don't give us the time of day. So, in order to meet your personal Prince Charming, I developed a few tips:
1. Don't go searching
Did Cinderella go to the ball with the intention of meeting the prince? No, she went to wear a pretty dress and to explore the castle. If so much of our time is spent consumed with trying to find someone, we may miss out on something great. Instead, just live your life and the right guy will show up at the right time. You don't need to be on the prowl for your next guy, just live life and eventually you will find each other. Finding someone shouldn't be like clothes shopping, it should be like taking a stroll in the park with friends – by being happy, living in the present and waiting for the right timing.
2. YOU know what YOU want, so don't settle for less or other people's opinions
Ultimately, the only person who knows what is best for you is you. Cinderella knew what she wanted, and she didn't listen to the evil stepmother and evil stepsisters when they tried to stop her from meeting the prince. Strive for someone who meets all of your expectations and qualifications, because ultimately, you know yourself better than anyone. Everyone deserves a love that makes them the happiest person on Earth, so don't let other people's opinion get in the way.
3. Use your past relationships to learn from, not bash
There is nothing I hate more than girls or boys who trash their ex. I know that sometimes breakups result in heartbreaks, but each relationship allows us to realize what we want and what we don't want. Don't think of your ex as an enemy, think of them as an opportunity to learn. When we examine them this way, we're able to grow as a person in such a better way than if we trash them.
4. In order to find a Prince Charming, YOU must be a Cinderella
How can you find a Prince Charming if you are an evil stepsister? Cinderella is kind, compassionate and loyal even in the worst of circumstances. She's someone we can all learn from. No one is perfect, but we can strive to be the best person we can always be. To get an amazing man, you should strive to be an amazing woman.
5. Find your own fairy godmother
Who would Cinderella be if she didn't have Gus, Jaq, and her fairy godmother? Find people who strive to make you the best person you can be and who are always there when you need them. This person can be a friend, a professor, your parents, your siblings or anyone that is a shoulder to lean on. Who knows, they may even lead you to your prince charming!
6. There's going to be roadblocks
In real life, we do have our own evil stepsisters and evil stepmothers. These people can bring us down and make us question who we are. They may block you from realizing who your prince charming is because of the negativity they bring, but don't let that damper your smile. Challenges in life just make us stronger. Remember, you've got this, princess!
7. He may be a prince, but he ain't perfect
Sometimes, Cinderella puts us in this fairytale-mindset where we think men should be perfect. News flash, men AND women are far from it. Instead of questioning if he's your prince because of a mistake or quality he has, realize that he will make mistakes and there will be hard times. Fairy dust doesn't really exist, so realize that bad things may happen and it's up to you and your significant other to get through it.
To read more about Carlos Zetina's story, visit Fox News.