How many times have you found yourself so overwhelmed by your to-do list that you feel like your life is falling apart? Most likely, you've noticed that you're a lot more emotional than normal. You probably feel like you haven't been able to do anything you really enjoy because you've been so bogged down with work.
If you're a Christian, you probably have noticed that you haven't felt as close to the Lord lately either. Maybe it's been difficult for you to connect in worship, reading the word, or praying. You may be experiencing a lot of negativity surrounding your identity in Christ.
Here's the thing: If you're going to be effective at anything, you have to clean house every now and then. Have you been taking care of your environment? When is the last time you made your bed? Have you been eating well? Sleeping enough? It's easy to get so focused on work that you start neglecting yourself. You stay up late to work and wake up early to work. You eat quick, junky food because you don't have enough time to make actual food. All of the dishes you have are probably in your sink. The pile of laundry in your closet is probably taller than you.
Busyness can become such a habit in our lives, that it becomes the enemy. If we allow it to, it will consume our health; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. If you feel far from Him, it's probably because His voice is muffled by a pile of dirty laundry (stress). We can allow clutter to build up in our external and internal environment which eventually feeds into the stress that you are experiencing. If you want to be a healthy place for the Spirit to dwell, you need to start cleaning house occasionally.
Rest isn't just about stopping. It's about refilling. Slothing around all day, doing nothing, is not going to help you be more productive. Do something you love to do! Take a break from the work, even if you don't have enough time to complete everything. Go out and exercise. Make a full meal. Go to bed early. Clean your room. You will be so much more effective if you are working in a clean, healthy environment!!
If you want to love others well, you have to love yourself too. Do you think Jesus spent all His time working? No way! He took time away. He isolated Himself regularly to relax and spend time with His Father. He made rest a priority. He knew that He needed to recharge in order to serve and love others the way He was sent here to do. If rest is not a priority, you are going to continue feeling stressed and overwhelmed and your relationships will suffer. Taking a Sabbath is a commandment and by honoring it, whether it is Sunday or not, you will be practicing obedience.
Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Relax. Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't worry about being perfect or having it all together. He is in control. You can rest easy knowing that He is leading the way.