From years of career planning in high school to planning my 4-year college plan, I learned the hard way that career paths often change. I think I've imagined myself at some point in time being every profession under the sun but I finally managed to weed out the ones that weren't for me.
Switching my major after a year of college courses was something I never planned on doing, but I could not imagine how my life would be if I hadn't made the change. Sure, taking a year's worth of classes that later would not pertain to my degree ultimately was not ideal, but I'm glad I didn't wait any longer.
Changing my major to something that excites me every day for my future career makes me feel like the happiest person on earth. The variation in learning styles is so drastic, but for the better in my opinion.
Along the way, I was able to learn so much about myself as I found the career path that fit me best. My motivation for school work and education as a whole significantly increased. My ability to retain information improved as well, because the subject matter actually pertains to something I'm interested in pursuing.
If you're unsure of your future career choice, know that so many people have felt the same way. It's okay to not know exactly where you see yourself five or ten years down the line.
If it takes a few extra years to get yourself to the place you want to be, don't worry about it; everything will work itself out in the end, and I'm living proof.
I have high hopes for the career path I'm on now, but I can tell you one thing- I've never been happier.