Forget mud masks or treating yourself to a night out with friends. You know you don't have enough time to really give yourself the 'self-care' session that you deserve. So, do yourself a favor and follow these simple, painfully obvious self-care tips.
1. Take a shower
If you're like me, you just don't get how other people's self-care routines include hair masks, scented bubble baths, and edible face masks. If you have some time to spare, love yourself and try to cleanse yourself.
2. Change your underwear, like, every day, if you can
And if you're really feeling wild, try not to wear the same sweatshirt every day.
3. Wipe the drool off your face before you go to your 8 a.m.
I'm not saying you have to care about how you look, but come on now.
4. Remember to eat
Please keep in mind that if you don't eat, you will most certainly starve to death.
5. Do two jumping jacks
Exercising is a great way to improve your mood, but you're definitely not hitting the gym any time soon. The least you can do is get off your bed for once and do two jumping jacks or sit-ups to feel good about yourself.