Some days, you just need to get out of bed and spend a little more time on yourself. Since finals are (at least nearly) over, here are some things to do to treat yourself.
Channel your inner Tom Haverford.
We don't all have the money to go on a real spa day, but buying a nice face mask and lotion for later in the day is definitely something you should splurge on. A nice manicure wouldn't be so bad, either.
Drink a smoothie.
Nothing's better than a smoothie. It tastes like candy, it's cheap, and you're being healthy.
Have a good cry sesh.
I'm proud to say I haven't cried since I went off to college (Almost 5 months - a new record!), but I probably could do with shedding some tears. My friends and I decided we would watch either Charlotte's Web or Bridge to Terabithia, since those are the only two movies that have ever made me cry.
I'm not gonna lie, I pretty much only eat bread and potatoes. Every single lunch I've had at Bruff for the past three months has been a baked potato with a side of potatoes and a bread roll. My freshman fifteen isn't coming from drinking too much, it's coming from carbs. I've been really happy lately, though, and I really think it's the potatoes.
Honestly, cleaning is my favorite way of relieving stress. It's productive and makes me feel like I'm somewhat decent at this adulting thing. Plus, this includes taking long showers, and who doesn't love that?
If you can drag yourself out of bed, these self-care tips are amazing. Of course, staying in and watching Netflix all day works, too.