As a young- and now able-to-vote citizen in the good USA, I had to pick my political party so I could take part in the upcoming Presidential Vote. So, do I follow in the Oklahoman tradition and go with the Republican Party, or do I try to break away from that tradition and be defiant and go with the Democratic Party.
In the end, I decided to pick Independent. It’s not like I couldn’t have picked a side, its just… I really, really don’t want too. You see picking a party has this stigma attached too it, you pick Republican and immediately you’re seen as this bible thumping person who hates everyone who isn't just like you, and throws a temper tantrum the moment someone thinks about taking away your precious AR-15. (Which is a horrible gun for hunting and home defense but that’s a whole other can of worms.) But if you pick Democrat you’re seen as a… well basically if you just say the word Democrat around here you get told to wash your mouth at with soap I’m not kidding- it’s happened. God bless America I don't want any of that associated with my name!
I understand they’re important in today’s society, but when the first President of the United States tells you to not have political parties, you’d think we’d be smart enough to listen. Thanks Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, your broadway show is amazing, but you are giving us more reasons to fight with each other!
To be completely honest, I do actually care about political parties, but I don't even really know the difference beliefs between the two parties (American Education System for the win!) besides on the more recently brought up topics of Plagiarized Speeches, taking away guns and Transgender bathrooms. It’s not like I don’t try to become knowledgeable, but there is very little sources that will give you the whole truth, and be unbiased.
I’m not a big fan of fighting, I can stand up for what I believe in but the minute it turns into a shouting match because someone can’t stand the thought of someone else having different beliefs than them, I shut down. Because who in the heck likes getting yelled at? And news flash people, just yelling at others won’t get them to change their beliefs.
It just feels to me that the political parties are useless and just end up dividing everyone in the country even more. We spend so much time just hating each other for a political party that we’re forced to pick, even if we don’t believe in everything they say- all so we can vote! And in Oklahoma, Independent can only vote on the Democratic card during the primaries so that eliminates any votes for the Republicans if they wanted to vote for them! Just check the Oklahoma State Election Board, it's all on their website, "For 2016 and 2017, the Democratic Party and Libertarian Party granted permission for Independents to vote in their primaries and runoff primaries. Independents cannot vote in Republican primaries."
It just seems easier to me if we got rid of Political Parties- there I said it -I’m being so sacrilegious but I don’t really care. I have no good way to educate myself on the subject, and a horrible first impression on our system as a whole all wrapped up neatly with a bow made from Social Stigmas. I know it’s probably impossible (do I know how it is? No, but I have a feeling I’m gonna get major hate if I don’t say that) to change our system before a collapse, but is it too much to ask for it to happen sooner rather then later, that way my generation isn't blamed? We get enough hate as it is.