It has finally arrived...the day no one ever expected in 21st century Planet Earth. For those of you uninformed or too absorbed in Kylie Jenner's irrelevant pregnancy, the city of Cape Town, South Africa is running out of water.
Cape Town is a major city in the vacation popular nation. It has a population of roughly 433,688 people, making it one of the largest cities in South Africa. The city is experiencing one of its worst droughts in history, which alongside climate change, has decimated the water supply there.
It is expected that Cape Town's taps will completely run out of water, preventing its civilians and others from having access to the necessary resource in order to survive. The name for this Doomsday is called Day Zero. As of right, the prediction of Day Zero is anywhere from April 16th to May 11th in 2018. Yes that's right... 2018!!! One of the most popular cities in the planet's water supply will dry up. The people here will have no water to COOK, no water to BATHE, no water FOR AGRICULTURE, and the most imperative of all, NO WATER TO DRINK.
Water is essential for the human race. We cannot survive without it for numerous reasons. We cannot survive without drinking it. So crucial and valuable is the source of water, that there are hundreds of campaigns to help those in poverty-stricken places receive access to the necessity.
I know what you are all thinking. Yes, the water crisis is bad, but why should we care about it in America? One answer will completely change your opinion about it: It is only a matter of time before it reaches America. Look at California for example. The state experienced one of its worst droughts recently. Luckily, they still had water... for now.
When Cape Town runs out of water, violence will erupt. Anarchists will kill innocent people in exchange for their scarce resource of water. They will even start attacking people in other towns in competition for water. Eventually, town by town, region by region, nation by nation, violence will reach America.
Also, climate change affects everyone worldwide. It is not biased and does not care about one nation's strong infrastructure. It will equally affect America as much as South Africa. If the climate continues to spiral, even worse disasters can occur.
So the next time you take an hour-long shower, I want you to think. Think about how to start conserving your water supply. Think about how you can help the people directly. Even donate, if possible. Do not ignore this event. In order to prevent another water crisis, or any other natural disaster, we must think and act together, as humans united.