We all know that those stupid little things we do while driving are not good; for example, texting, Snapchatting, and FaceTiming. But many ignore the safety warnings about doing these while driving. But beware; when you ignore these warnings you are risking your and OTHERS' lives.
Over the weekend, my parents and I were driving behind a car that was swerving pretty badly on 1-70 and we wondered if they were drunk. When we passed them (and we had to take the shoulder to get around them so that their swerving didn't hit us) they we noticed that no, they weren't drunk: they were just looking at their phone more than they were at the road.
This happens every single day, and it is deadly. Recently a lawsuit was filed against Apple because a man had killed a little girl in the back of her car while FaceTiming. He didn't slow down when they did and hit their back end at 65 mph. He was FaceTiming something that probably wasn't important or necessary enough to result in a death. In fact, little news is important enough to risk the lives of yourself and others.
People forget that they are driving a two ton death machine: something that regularly kills 1.3 million people. They don't take it seriously, and they don't take their part in it seriously. But you know who will? The man facing charges of manslaughter who was FaceTiming and killed someone will. The parents of the little girl who will never see their daughter again because of an app will. The people who are disabled or dead because of someone's reckless and ridiculous actions will.
Take driving more seriously. Buckle up, stay sober, and don't use your phone while driving. Keep your defensive driving up and don't be ignorantly aggressive on the road. It could mean your life, or worse: someone else's.