Auto insurance or vehicle insurance is mandatory, and it is an excellent way to tide over the financial loss in case of an accident or theft. Though you might be forced to think that it has got to do only with the damages pertaining to the vehicle in an accident, it is much more than that. The coverage you get through an auto insurance policy varies with the type of policy you have chosen. The vehicle insurance online or offline that is purchased for mandatory reasons offers coverage that is good enough to protect you during the difficult times.
What are the basic coverage features of car insurance plans?
The basic coverage you get when you buy a mandatory car insurance policy includes
- •Property damage liability cover
- •Personal injury cover
- •Uninsured or underinsured motorist protection
- •Injury liability cover
Failing to hold insurance that provides at least these basic covers, as a vehicle owner, could make you susceptible to penalties that could range from hefty fines to even cancellation of the registration of your vehicle. However, you can drive without worry with a comprehensive coverage package.
The types of auto insurance and what they cover
The insurance companies offer car insurance policies. But each car insurance policy may offer different degrees of protection depending on the protection you opt for. Your decision on the Best car insurance in India should follow a thorough analysis of
- •Location
- •Your affordability
- • Age of the vehicle
- •Your network
- •Type of vehicle and its use
and others.
But, it is indeed important to get the right policy that will work for you for which you have to learn about the different types of vehicle insurance online and what they cover
Liability coverage- It is a mandatory requirement, and it covers injuries and damage to property when an accident that is covered makes you legally responsible.
Collision insurance- It covers damage, repair, and replacement that is required for you after an accident that can be covered occurs.
Comprehensive insurance- It is an extra level of coverage that will cover damage to your vehicle by another vehicle as well as damage that may occur due to other acts such as weather events, vandalism, animal damage, etc.
Uninsured motorist insurance- This is mandatory, and it helps cover damages caused to you and your vehicle in case of hit and run incidents or by a vehicle driven by uninsured drivers.
Underinsured motorist insurance- It is an extra coverage offered over a minimum liability damage coverage that would help cover an accident that may occur when driven by a driver whose insurance is not good enough to cover the costs.
Medical payments coverage- Best car insurance in India offer cover for hospitalization up to 30 days after the accident. This is provided regardless of whomsoever is at fault.
Personal injury protection – The Best car insurance in India offer this as a mandatory cover. However, the degree of coverage varies from one policy to another with certain policies offering 80% coverage of the medical expenses and loss of income expenses that arise from the covered accident.
Gap insurance- The gap insurance is meant to help settle the amount owed on a car loan after a loss or theft of a vehicle
Towing and labor insurance- It is part of the comprehensive car insurance and covers towing and labor costs of repairs of your vehicle.
Rental reimbursement insurance- This could be an add-on feature or a part of a comprehensive policy that allows rental charges for a hired car that you might have to take after an accident when your car is damaged after an accident.
You also have Best car insurance in India that offers insurance for vintage cars. You can reach out to the insurance companies or visit their websites to buy the policy you desire with the coverage you wish to have.
Why should you consider car insurance when you are moving?
Most often when you are relocating for some reason, you would do your best to ensure that the operation of the address and phone number are done with utility providers, banks and credit card companies. But, one thing that is ignored or totally forgotten is the updation of the address for your car insurance. This is not a welcome thing to do considering the following facts.
Car insurance and complying with state requirements
Though you are at liberty to choose the vehicle insurance that is desirable to you on all accounts since the statutory requirements for insurance coverage vary from state to state. Therefore, if the state you are moving into requires you to increase your car insurance coverage, you would have to buy it, but you can, of course, buy vehicle insurance online. Likewise, if the state you are moving into requires only lowered coverage limit, it is better to maintain the same policy to avoid the risk of being undercovered or opt for lower limit to reduce your premium level, of course with a certain amount of risk that goes with it.
Deciding if the coverage has to be changed to a new insurer.
Though, it would not often be required considering online operations carried out by Best car insurance in India. You would, however, have to find whether the company in which you have taken the insurance does business in the location you are moving into. Also, find out if the coverage is applicable in the state you are moving in to. For some states would advocate liability insurance as mandatory while some would require a no-fault cover.
Tips on carrying the car insurance while relocating
Though car insurance is valid throughout India, you should ensure it is current and valid by informing the auto insurer in advance about the relocation and the address to avoid the risk of facing a trouble exactly when you are in need of a claim or all set to renew a policy that you expect to come with all advantages such as bonus for no claim. Not to mention the gain you might get in the form of a lesser premium when you are moving from metro to a non-metro which is usually less in Best car insurance in India. But the decision as to whether you need to carry the present insurance policy or opt for a better one includes considering aspects such as
Impact on your premiums
If there is not much change in the premium levels, and you are assured of coverage in the place you are relocating to, it is better to carry on with the same policy after updating your address. In case you are moving to the metro from a non- metro, you might have to have the extra protection that is mandatory which means an increase in the premium. You can then buy vehicle insurance online that suits the requirement.
Checking the network of garage
If the insurance you hold permit cashless coverage only in specified garages, you would have to consider whether there are enough garages that are covered by this policy in the place you are re; locating to. In case, it is fine, you may think of porting the present policy with address location. Otherwise, you might have to move the policy intact with the NCB to another insurer.
Viewing the adequacy of the plan
What is right at one point of time and place might not be right at all places and all times. When you are relocating would be the appropriate time to think about the coverage and plug any holes in the coverage that may leave you exposed to risks. If you find the plan adequate, you may carry it with you with just an address update.
No Claim Bonus
The Best car insurance in India offers up to 40% no claim bonus when you are changing the insurance provider for some reason ensure that you are moving the policy with the NCB exchange too. If your insurer does not provide any claims bonus in the rarest of instances, relocation is the time to choose an insurer who offers NCB.
Avoiding coverage gap
The wise thing to do is to get the new auto insurance from the new insurer in your hand before you cancel the previous one. It is because holding invalid auto insurance is an offense.
Saving money
Relocating is the time,e you can research the cost-effectiveness in terms of premium costs and coverage so that you can opt for Best car insurance in India that offers maximum cover at affordable prices.
When you buy a new insurance policy owing to various reasons in the place you are relocating to, it is better to do it after receiving and comparing quotes from at least three different companies as the costs can vary from provider to provider. Sometimes it is important to get a no objection letter from the RTO and get the car registered in the new location. Also, confirm the start date and end dates of the old as well as the new policy.