It's happened to all of us. At the most inconvenient time possible, POOF! Your car dies. Several things run through your mind during this horrible experience, and the boys of South Park are here to walk you through it all:
First off, you'll freak out. You'll likely start screaming "WHAT’S HAPPENING?!"
Finally, you'll pull over. This is the official point when your car stops working, and you break down.
You'll call AAA, State Farm, or whoever your provider is to come rescue you, and they'll tell you it’ll be 1-2 hours at least before they can get there. They're obviously in no rush.
In the meantime, you’ll start thinking about how much all of this is going to cost you.
Finally, either a cop or your roadside assistance will arrive.
They'll explain to you what might be the problem, and you’ll have to decide what to do next.
Finally, you’re at the end of your horrible experience. You'll either have a quick fix and drive away or get your car towed.
You've made it home in one piece. Tomorrow, you'll tell the story to all your friends, laugh, and pray it doesn't happen again sometime soon.