1. The Team Captain
They try their best to organize everything and everyone to form a plan, even though no one is listening and it never takes off. To be honest, they probably nominated themselves.
2. The Warrior
They declare themselves as a soldier at war, risking their life to get the flag at all possible costs. These people are confident in every battle, even if they don't amount to anything.
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3. The Guards
These players stand and walk along the line like the castle guards in "The Wizard of Oz". Their job is simple. They prevent the southerners from escaping to the north. They get the most satisfaction when they throw someone in jail.
4. The Warren
Not to be confused with the guards, these players prevent people from breaking into jail to save their friends. They think they're high and mighty, but they just stand in front of the ring for most of the game.
5. The Prison Breakers
These heroes try desperately to get their team members back from jail. They are victorious when they succeed, but most of the time they end up entrapping themselves.
6. The Voluntary Prisoner
This is the introvert that goes into the opponents' field just to go to jail. They know no one will save them, and it’s a comfort to them because they didn't want to play in the first place.
7. The Wallflowers
We've all been this person once. These players run around and try to blend with the crowd so it looks like they’re playing, but we all know what they're doing.
8. The Decoy
I got the flag! I got the flag! No, I don’t.
9. The Coach
No one can forget about the teacher or PTA that observes everything from afar. Some of them laugh their butt off. Others don't pay attention at all.
10. The Hero
This is it. They've made it through Hell and back. This victor captured the flag. The winner gets nothing. Now it's time for 6th hour.