Top 10 Favorite Deadpool Scenes
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Top 10 Favorite Deadpool Scenes

Deadpool happens to be my favorite marvel "superhero", even though he's really just a screwed up hero.

Top 10 Favorite Deadpool Scenes

There were a lot of good movies in 2016. But Deadpool is one of my favorites movies of all time. I've watched it about 7 times and I can quote pretty much every line in that movie. It was the Valentine's Day movie! 2017 is coming out with 50 Shades Darker for Valentine's Day this year. Talk about slacking. And yes, it's a Marvel movie, but Deadpool is not as "honorable" as a lot of the other Marvel superheroes. Dr. Banner tries to avoid turning into the Hulk as much as possible because he's scared of what he might do. Captain America's morals are evident in every single action he takes. But Deadpool is the complete opposite. He does whatever it takes to eliminate Francis, and he eventually succeeds-with maximum effort. He's also witty and sarcastic, and even though he's been through limbo and back, he always gets back up. And these are my favorite Deadpool moments. Enjoy.

1. "All dinosaurs feared the t-rex."-Deadpool

I swear you can hear his gasp in this scene. After 1 year of looking for Francis, the man who tortured him and left him for dead escapes, he decides to beat up Colussus. Well that doesn't turn out well, of course. He starts throwing punches and ends up breaking both of his wrists. Let me just tell you that I was crying in this scene. I haven't laughed so hard at a scene in my entire life.

2. "You have something in your teeth. In the middle there. Like a piece of a romaine lettuce. Hahaha made you look."-Deadpool

Okay, in the beginning, it's clear that Francis is the bad guy. In the beginning of this movie, he makes it clear that he'll get what he wants, no matter what the circumstances are. When Wade arrives in Francis' "care" he tells him that they're trying to put his body under so much stress that eventually a mutation will be activated. Even after hearing all of this, Wade still has no problem aggravating Francis. And Wade goes through extreme torture after this, but he never loses himself even though he was put through constant torture. He still has his sense of humor and wit about him even after all of the pain he goes through.

3. "You will die alone. If you could die. I mean, if you could die. Ideally, for others' sake."-Weasel

God Bless, what a beautiful friendship. A lot of people would sit in horror and not really know what to say about Deadpool's "condition". But instead, he gives it to him straight. He tells him that there's only one thing he can do-star in his own horror films. What are best friends for?

3. "Hahaha! You're about to be killed by a Zamboni!" -Deadpool

Another scene I was in tears over. Obviously Deadpool doesn't think twice about killing people, especially when Francis is involved. He has his traditional ways of killing people of course, but he went a little eccentric with this particular kill.

4. "Am I crazy, or is your hand really small?"-Al

His relationship with his roommate is one of the dynamics that make this movie so incredible. According to Wade, she's old, blind, and black. They couldn't be two more different people, and yet they are perfect roommates. He goes straight back home after getting one of his limbs cut off in order to escape Colussus. And he has to wait for it to grow back, hence the tiny "KFC spork" like hand.

5. "Dopinder."-Deadpool

"Yes?" -Dopinder

"What was that?"-Deadpool

"That was the trunk."-Dopinder

Everyone's favorite cab driver, Dopinder takes Deadpool's advice on winning Gita's heart. But unfortunately his cousin Bandhu got to Gita first. And Wade gives him advice on how to win Gita back. And Dopinder follows through-by kidnapping Bandhu. And after he drops Deadpool, Megasonic Teenage Warhead, and Colussus off, he gets in an accident with Bandhu in the trunk. Hopefully he'll learn not to take Deadpool's advice anymore.

6."Have you seen this man?"-Deadpool

He literally dives into a car, and causes immediate destruction to everyone around him. And yet, WHILE he beats the bad guys up, he's holding up this sign. A simple drawing of him beating up Francis. A drawing, mind you, made from crayons. Maximum effort?

7. "He made me ask twice. Is the mask muffling my voice?"-Deadpool

And another shining example on how Wade Wilson is still Wade Wilson-he still has his wit and humor even when he's killing tons of people in order to find Francis.

8. "He got Ajax from the dish soap!"-Deadpool

Torture tends to change people, but it didn't change Wade Wilson. He still messed with Francis up until the end. Torture couldn't stop his smart mouth.

9. "God I miss cocaine."-Al

Al is definitely not your normal old lady. Especially since she lives with Deadpool. And so, she misses cocaine.

10. "Daddy needs to express some rage." -Deadpool

This quote basically sums up the entire movie. Deadpool is expressing all of the rage he has felt since he was diganosed with cancer-in his own methodical way.

Deadpool happens to be my favorite marvel "superhero". Even though he's really just a screwed up hero. But another thing I loved about this movie is you don't get all of the moral speeches from all of the other marvel superheroes. He's impulsive and stupid. But it's also more realistic. He's been exposed to horrendous trauma, and so it's realistic that he'd be a least a little impulsive. So there you have it. Maximum effort.

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