The Navy Might Reinstate Captain Brett Crozier | The Odyssey Online
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Captain Crozier Put His Sailors Before His Career, He's A Hero Of The Seven Seas

An update on the events concerning Captain Brett Crozier, former commanding officer of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt.

Captain Crozier Put His Sailors Before His Career, He's A Hero Of The Seven Seas

Over the last two weeks, people all around the world have shown their support for the commanding officer of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, which is currently ported in Guam for an unscheduled sanitary cleaning of the ship and quarantining of the sailors on board. The Roosevelt was only four months into their deployment and shortly after a port visit in Vietnam at the beginning of March, a few sailors contracted the infamous COVID-19. Captain Brett Crozier sent an email in distress to senior leadership, and that email made its way to the media, causing his subsequent removal from his position.

Crozier's removal drew a backlash from sailors, veterans, and military members from around the globe.

When a higher-ranking officer is coming aboard, or ashore, a U.S. naval ship, there are sideboys to salute the official. However, the sideboys normally consist of only a few. For the captain's final walk ashore, the sideboys consisted of everyone who was not quarantined. That act was not mandatory, but it was out of love and respect for the man who stood up for his sailors as humans instead of "bodies."

Crozier's actions, and his intentions, were shown to be true to those under him, by those that were under his command.

He was initially disgraced by the former SECNAV, Thomas Modly, for spreading the email to "20 or 30 people." New reports indicate that his accusation was false — Crozier only sent it to three admirals and seven other captains. However, Modly chose to fly in a private jet, costing America $243,000, to Guam to degrade the captain even further to his own crew, who were yet to be taken into quarantine. Modly called the Captain "stupid" and "naive," and asked the crew to think about whether they should cherish him the way that they do. A few profane words were used to "emphasize" his points.

Thomas Modly resigned on April 7, 2020, due to immense pressure from not only the public but from his colleagues as well.

Modly "stands by every word," even though his words were incredibly disrespectful to those who are dealing with the virus while protecting our country — something Modly is not having to do.

Sailors in America are used to being berated, disrespected, and reminded that they are just "replaceable bodies" on a daily basis. However, when sailors are in a position between literal life and death, with nowhere to go, the CO is expected to have a solution — and quickly. Captain Crozier not only asked for a solution, but he demanded it, stating "no sailors should have to die."

He looked past his own career, which is rare among top leadership.

Sadly, there are the few that care about obtaining the stars on their collar. However, there are even fewer that understand that the star means nothing if you don't have a crew that will follow your leadership. The removal of Captain Crozier was a disgrace to sailors across the world and, hopefully, Chief of Naval Operations Mike Gilday realizes that.

More information, and the results of the investigation of the U.S.S. Roosevelt, will be coming out soon. The possibility of reinstating Captain Crozier is on the table, due to "open minds" from SECDEF Mark Esper. As of April 16, 2020, 655 sailors have tested positive, one has died, and six in the hospital, with one being in the ICU.

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