The third installment in Captain America's movie series left a big impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but now questions will arise like, "Was it any good?", and, "Did it follow the comics?", or the new fan favorite, "Was Spiderman any good?" All of these questions will be answered in due time, but for now we need to break down every part of the movie to get the true verdict.
Normally a Marvel movie only focuses with one to three characters in one of their films, unless it is a group movie like Guardians of the Galaxy or Avengers. This movie however was full of heroes left and right. Some felt more important that others, while the rest had the spotlight for all of the right reasons. Marvel introduced two new characters into the MCU, Spiderman and Black Panther being those two. Now I will talk about those two in a bit so just bare with me for a bit longer. But having this many characters in a movie mainly about one of them seemed overbearing at times. There were many plots and subplots with these characters that didn't seem to make much sense or were probably a wait till x movie comes out and we will figure it out. This was aggravating at times because the movie would keep adding so much exposition to some plots and then leave us hanging or do the typical easter egg awaiting the nerdiest of comic readers to decipher it.
The cast as a whole worked really well together. Many of the jokes that were said were executed beautifully that it made for a good laugh. Every heartfelt moment was performed so everyone in the audience felt the right emotion every time. Some dialogue dragged on or seemed repetitive, but it didn't put a damper on the viewing experience, it just made me want to see more of the action.
Spiderman was honestly the best surprise this movie could've offered viewers. Most people knew he was going to be in the film due to trailers, but seeing him in action was a completely different story. Every scene with Spiderman made me laugh one way or another and then each action scene he seemed to extend that humor into what some would say a serious movie. His powers shined as most of the cast was surprised around every corner for what this teenager could do. Seeing him face off against Captain and Winter Soldier and being able to throw just as hard punches was enlightening to see. His costume brought a new feeling to the character that has long been overdone and I think this canon of Spiderman will bring new light to the cinema world for himself.
Black Panther was a vengence driven character the whole movie and his bloodlust for Winter Soldier drove many of the action scenes, though to me it seemed redundant at times and a bit much. Almost every scene he was in, he was wanting to kill Bucky (Winter Soldier) until the very end when he learned the truth about his father's death. Seeing the end credit scene where Bucky was put into cryogenic sleep somewhere in Wokanda with a Black Panther rock statue outside. This definitely implies we will be seeing much more of the African King in further installments.
The villains in this movie however didn't really stick out to me. Crossbones, who actually kills Captain in the comics, was killed off in the first quarter of the movie. So much for Captain dying. All that was left really was Zemo who while was a good villian, he should've been played out more. His plan in tearing the Avengers apart from the inside was great and really gave the character a stand in the fight, but past that he wasn't much a marvel (haha) to see.
In my opinion those were the two characters that shined the most, but unfortunately did not get as much screen time as I had hoped. But we will be able to see them in future installments so all will be good.
The action scenes in the film were executed fantastically, but for every action packed scene, there was always a smaller exposition scene that seemed to drag on. Now I'm not saying every scene that wasn't action wasn't good, there were some really good story moments, but it just seemed to drag on the film sometimes with an already long run-time of two hours and 30 minutes.
Of all the action scenes the plane fight which pitted the two teams against each other was the main highlight of the film. This scene is what gave the movie its Civil War title. Every character got a chance to showcase their awesome abilities (especially Spiderman) and it was just some good action to fill the movie. Many of the punches being thrown left an impact on both the character and the audience and it made me question what would happen if they really went to war and didn't just fight to detain or distract one another. The positives from this fight scene though outweigh any of the negatives. It was just a lot of good Marvel Superhero action that we all needed to see.
Now here is where I will get a lot of negative feedback. In the Civil War comics, long story short, Captain America dies. Well he didn't in this movie, but I had hoped that someone would've in his place. With the emotional baggage that came from this movie, it seemed fitting that a character shoudl've bit the bullet. In the near end scene where Captain, Bucky, and Ironman are battling it out, it seemed for a moment and we were teased many times that someone was gonna get hit too hard quite a few times and probably be killed, but even with Bucky's arm being blown off and both Ironman and Captain getting the @%$#^ beat out of them, it is what most of us saw coming. The moment Ironman calculated Captain's fight moves and then fought back, I was pretty sure Captain was gonna die. Then Captain got the upper hand on Ironman and the moment he raised his shield at Tony to thrust it in, he hits the chest pieces, only weakening the armor. I felt disappointed that Marvel moved away from killing a character from their series while adding so many new ones. I feel like the emotional impact would've been greater had one of the movies titans fallen rather than them just getting bruises.
For the overall plot of the movie, it seemed overbearing at times. as if a lot was thrown in to introduce new characters (who would've guessed) to expand the universe even bigger. Some of the exposition seemed to drag on at times, but it made up for itself with the many spikes of humor we were treated too. The emotional story told through this movie though was captivating. The struggles we saw from all of the characters based on their morals and their obligations really stuck through the movie. There was a lot of interpersonal struggle for many of the characters which gave the story more impact on the viewer. The Civil War premise also played out very well within the film. The Sokovia Accord, which was the underlining cause for much of the film, tore into characters conscious and we got to see every pain staking decision made.
All in all Captain America: Civil War does a good job of pitting our beloved heroes against each other while at the same time introducing a couple of new faces into the fray. The movie keeps audiences on the edge of their seats with every action scene and puts questions in everyone's mind about what is going on while answering some unknown questions from previous films. If I had to do a rating for the film, I would give it an 8/10 and I highly reccomend anyone and everyone to go see this Marvel triumph.