So, what the hell is a capsule wardrobe? As a girl who basically never shops and/or worries about fashion, I had absolutely no idea what this was- and had never even heard the term- until I started itching for change in my wardrobe recently.
Basically, I googled “wardrobe staples” in the hopes that there was some magical guide of all of the items that I would need in order to become a fashionista overnight. What I encountered was a daunting flurry of pinterest-worthy (and actual pinterest) pictures of these gorgeous wardrobe boards and ideas, and one term kept popping up as the image label: “capsule wardrobe.”
Naturally, I googled that next. Perhaps this magical weird-ass term to describe a wardrobe held the key as to why some girls go out ready for a runway on a day-to-day basis whilst I am constantly rocking leggings and oversized sweaters and hoodies.
The concept behind a capsule wardrobe, I found, is to pare down a wardrobe in order to take a more minimalist and less-daunting approach to being comfy and fashionable. Naturally, I was enthralled. These magic clothing things not only look good, but the goal is to have the least amount of stuff possible? My cheap ass immediately jumped on board.
The steps prove fairly simple: Create a color palette for the season (in this case fall/winter) with neutrals, color pops, and then a palette of pattern ideas to go with it. Within this palette of ideas, you’re supposed to have 33 clothing articles total (including pants, sweaters, shirts, shoes, etc.) that allow you to create the most amount of outfits possible (since they’re all the same color scheme). The clothes you pick are supposed to all be favorites, allowing you to wear things you love every day and simply style them differently and creatively instead of buying massive amounts of things and then getting overwhelmed at the amount of choices.
I super love this idea, but even I am not comfortable being that minimalist. So, I’ve decided to modify it: I’m not going to count shoes or accessories or jeans into my 33 items. Instead, those items will be tops, dresses, skirts, etc. The rest of my clothes I plan to box up and organize.
I haven’t created my palettes yet, but I’ve begun to brainstorm my 33 items, and I am so so excited about it. I have a whole new outlook on fashion and the creativity it involves, and I feel like I’ve finally found a method of fashion that doesn’t end in me overwhelmed or out a gajillion dollars. This made me realize that maybe I need to start branching myself out more, and perhaps instead of just assuming I can’t and shouldn’t attempt something (i.e. fashion) just because I’ve never been good at it, I should find a way to try it that makes me comfortable, and make the process my own. Wish me luck, and I’m going to be sure to keep ya’ll updated on my progress, maybe motivating you to create and share your own ideas and palettes!
Just have fun with it, and stay true to what you love, I can’t wait to see and hear how it goes for you (and me)! Happy fall!