How Capitol Police Responded To Trump Rioters Vs. BLM Protestors | The Odyssey Online
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We All Saw America's Double Standard On Protests When Trump Supporters Stormed The Capitol

And we must change it.

We All Saw America's Double Standard On Protests When Trump Supporters Stormed The Capitol

If you've been reading or watching the news, you know that on Wednesday, supporters of President Donald Trump swarmed the Capitol building, protesting the 2020 election results. With the lack of forceful police action, rioters were able to breach the line of officers guarding the Capitol to make their way into the building, interfering with the count of electoral votes from the presidential election.

President Trump's daughter Ivanka referred to these rioters as "patriotic." Even as the rioting continued, President Trump called them rioters "very special."

But when Black Lives Matter protests were occurring during the summer of 2020, Trump referred to the people of color and their allies as "thugs" when protesting against racial injustice and police brutality against the Black community. The BLM protests were heavily policed, and the National Guard, tear gas, rubber bullets, and other forceful police tactics were used against the protesters, resulting in hundreds of arrests. However, when the rioters breached the building, police officers were seen taking selfies with them.

I know if it were a BLM protest, there would be no delay in enforcing unnecessary violent action against the protestors. However, when an insurrection begins, police response seems almost absent. We should not call the situation that occurred today a "protest." I call it an attempted coup. There is a difference, and it is extremely sad to see how much white supremacy is still prevalent in our country. As a country, we need to reassess our priorities, avoid double standards, and abolish white supremacy.

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