Capital Smart City, Plot Price of 5, 10, and 20 Marla | The Odyssey Online
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Capital Smart City, Plot Price of 5, 10, and 20 Marla

Rawalpindi's population has been increasing steadily throughout the years. As a result, there has been an increase in demand for residential and commercial land in the city.

Capital Smart City, Plot Price of 5, 10, and 20 Marla

Rawalpindi's population has been increasing steadily throughout the years. As a result, there has been an increase in demand for residential and commercial land in the city. Rawalpindi's real estate has handled this spike admirably thanks to effective administrative procedures. Here, the real estate market is booming. People are receiving good discounts on the property when they buy, sell, or rent it. If you're looking for a wealthy investment opportunity, this city is worth considering. Capital Smart City, a Future Holdings Developments initiative, is one of the most significant areas to look for residential properties in Rawalpindi.

The much-anticipated residential plan is located on the M-2 motorway adjacent to the proposed Islamabad International Airport, approximately 9.2 kilometers from Islamabad Highway Toll Plaza. It will also have immediate access to the Rawalpindi Ring Road, another critical project now under construction. Inhabitants of this housing development will be able to go to New Islamabad Airport, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, and Peshawar, thanks to the interconnection provided by these highways.

Plots in Capital Smart City

The neighborhood has a wide range of plot sizes to choose from. Elegant villas, housing and business plots, and farmhouses are available in Capital Smart City. Bookings are now being taken for plots measuring 5, 7, 10, and 12 marlas and 1 and 2 Kanal areas for more significant investments. It is paid in three convenient instalments over three years. As a result, plot prices in Capital Smart City are significantly lower than in similar areas, such as Bahria Town, Phase 8.

Plot Costs:

The essential thing to examine when purchasing a plot is the payment schedule. Typically, your budget would prevent you from owning property in a desirable location, though not in Capital Smart City. It has a diverse menu that appeals to individuals of all kinds of existence. Housing plots of 5 marlas vary in price between PKR 17 lakh and PKR 37.8 lakh, while a ten marla property costs between PKR 30 lakh and PKR 38.5 lakh. The asked price for a 1 Kanal property in Capital Smart City starts at PKR 49 lakh and will go as much as PKR 90 lakh. Plots will be delivered in exchange for a 10% or 20% upfront payment, with the remainder paid in instalments.


They would build numerous schools, colleges, including universities in the "Education City" area. Childcare centers and medical schools also will be located there. National Defense University (NDU) & Capital Smart City have previously inked a contract to construct a new international facility in the neighborhood. There is also a detailed strategy in place to build world-class healthcare services. These institutions would also offer medical assistance to the people of the community, but also countless job prospects for future doctors.

Capital Smart City will feature ample green carpet and outdoor recreational amenities since the development strives to provide a positive environment for its citizens. There will be an integrated water and sewer system in place. The initiative offers to deliver public services 24 hours a day. It has put in place a cutting-edge surveillance system. For the protection of all inhabitants, they will place CCTV cameras & image recognition. The developers will implement a reliable bus-based mass transit infrastructure, and electric bikes will be distributed to the neighborhood for efficient movement.

The development has a wide range of amenities. China Village, Holiday Park, Financial Center, & Crystal Lake are examples of mixed-use & retail zones that strive to provide world-class accommodation and shopping.

Considerations for Investing in Capital Smart City

The RDA has accepted Capital Smart City as a valid housing proposal. Its creators hope to establish it as the country's first environmentally friendly neighborhood. It provides excellent amenities, a convenient location, a safe environment, and various payment methods. This is a fantastic spot to invest in because it is the country's initial technology-driven town and the only community with a permitted motorway interchange. In addition, it is still on the CPEC path, which offers an added benefit. Overall, Capital Smart City is capital & smart alternative including both residential and business investors, as its name suggests.


Many factors ensure the accomplishment of a residential building, but the most significant is the owner's and developer's credibility. As a result, the investors have complete faith in the initiative. The remainder of the society's plots have previously been acquired and are currently being resold at a profit. Both the expansion and the grand plan appear to be quite promising, and they will help Capital Smart City become a very respectable project. It will be a one-of-a-kind and comprehensive package for all members of society.

Author Bio

Muhammad Junaid is a senior Analyst and Search Engine Expert. Extensive experience being a lead writer in Sigma Properties | Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi. Work for years with local and international enterprises. Also, represent well-known brands in the UAE.

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