Capers On The Square: A Dahlonega Restaurant Review | The Odyssey Online
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Capers On The Square: A Dahlonega Restaurant Review

The Square offers many great restaurant choices, but Capers is one of the best.

Capers On The Square: A Dahlonega Restaurant Review
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Capers on the Square is a new Greek style restaurant that opened up the last week of April in historic downtown Dahlonega (known as The Square). I was able to go eat there the third day they were open, and between the service, the food and the atmosphere, it was wonderful.

The service was excellent from the moment I walked in until the moment I walked out. I went in about twenty minutes early to ask for the servers to set up a table, because I was a part of a large group, and they did so promptly and kindly. Then when everyone arrived and we all sat down, a server immediately came up to ask for our drink orders. The staff was kind, patient and was obviously very well trained by the managers before the opening of the restaurant. The water was brought out in old wine bottles and poured for each costumer, and then left at the table so that we could refill our glasses when needed. I thought the use of the old wine bottles was very efficient and stylish. Throughout the meal the service was wonderful and professional.

The menu had a variety of Greek style foods to choose from. I got a goat cheese and fig flat bread. It was one of the best flat breads I have ever had in my life. It was warmed and drizzled with honey – absolutely amazing. I’ve been dying to go back and get it again since going there and eating it last week. One of the members of the group I was with got a gyro, and I got to taste it. It was very flavorful and well put together as well. For those who did not want to venture into the Greek foods, there were hamburger options. There were also kid options as well for children who are picky eaters.

The restaurant is located inside one of the big, historical, shared buildings on The Square; meaning there are other shops down the hall from Capers on the Square, but this does not take away from the experience whatsoever. The restaurant had a small bar right when you walked in, and tables in the conjoining rooms. The bar had a wide selection of liquors as well as wines, bottled beers, and beers on tap. The decorations inside the restaurant were tasteful and brightened up the moods of the customers. Its’ location on The Square was very convenient and very beautiful.

The Square is a beautiful place that offers many different places to shop and eat, but Capers on the Square is one of the best. It was a wonderful experience overall. Everyone that I went with loved their meal, the service and the location and atmosphere. I will definitely be returning for another goat cheese and fig flat bread very soon.

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