Women are capable of anything! Let us not outcast a woman because of her looks and size. Women are evolving in this country and we need to stop thinking of them as just sex appeals and nothing, but a stay at home and clean and cook all day wife. Woman can do anything that men can do and sometimes even better. Do not outcast them because of being a woman. If woman can be firefighters, police officers, Priests (or Preachers), lawyers or professional fighters, they can sure be more than capable of running the United States.
No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but we need to understand both men and women should find fault in their wrongdoings. For example Hillary Clinton, and why she showed women that they should be comfortable with doing what’s called a man’s job!
Hillary Clinton, yes I know many people may or may not like her, but whether she wins or loses this election she should many people not matter what they threw at her to make her give up, she stayed in there and kept on fighting the race! She is not a perfect woman, but neither is Donald Trump! They both have wrongdoings. Some wrongs might be bigger than the others, but as a woman she did not let that stop her and have a man tell her otherwise. Tonight might be her night, and she can go down in history as the first woman president of the United States or maybe tonight is not her night. Either way if she does or does not make it tonight she will be remembered as the women who was strong and had confidence in herself and fought the good fight! If she can do it you can you! If she does make it tonight congratulation! If not than congratulations to Mr. Trump and hopefully soon some other woman will step up and give it a try!
So now it is official, November 8th, 2016, america has elected Donald Trump as president of the United States. Do I agree with the results? Absolutely not! I think the man is nothing, but a racist, very rude, biased, and many more things. Then again Hillary Clinton’s background is not so good either, but to me she was still fit to be president of the United States. Since she did not win the election there is nothing you can do about it, but Congratulate him and wish for nothing but the best during his term. After the lost what does this mean? Should we who voted against him give up? No we should not we should keep standing up and making a difference. Just because Hillary did not win does not mean it is over! I encourage another woman with strong power to stand up and try and win so they can be the first woman president!
What makes a woman strong? Easy there are a lot of things that make woman strong! Admitting defeat and not throwing a pity party because of a lost as you seen last night with Hillary Clinton. Every woman are strong in their own ways. Woman who have to go through so much, such as labor. Woman who go through cancer and the strong ones are the ones that battle through and defeat it. Woman who hold high class positions at their jobs. Woman who are cops and put their lives on the line everyday for each and every one of us. Woman are evolving and it is going to get better because they can do whatever man can do.
Finally just remember that all women are capable of everything and anything! Let us not outcast someone because their a woman, or because of her looks and size.Looks and size does not matter, it is her ability that makes her great! Woman can do anything that men can do and sometimes even better. Do not outcast them because of being a woman. No man or woman are perfect and we all make mistakes. We need to find unity together and give each other a chance. The election is over, we have a winner! The fight is not over! Woman you can do this, do not let anyone tell you, that you can’t! Women all truly capable!