I am an atom made from many particles, cells, and chemicals. I am matter, a physical substance, that pretty much occupies space. I occupy such immense amount of space in my world, but a tiny dust ball of space in the entire universe. My mind wonders in so many directions and doesn't stop wondering, and I try to understand every little bit of human nature, and society. Its almost like a bad case of anxiety. For many, we are just people with heartbeats, veins, and blood vessels, but to me we are more than that, and that's where the bad case of anxiety roots from. You see; I am more than just occupied space, and so are you. There is meaning to madness, and without madness there would be no meaning. Throughout all of my struggles and mental battles I have learned to understand this concept.
The universe works through the energies in our bodies, and what we put out, we shall receive. I believe that there is meaning to every obstacle, and experience we encounter. As much as I try to beat my feelings and know all the answers I will never see victory, because it's not meant for me to understand it all. What I must keep in mind is that there is a purpose behind it all, and I am willing to fulfill this purpose. Life wouldn't be life If we never face heartache, disappointment, failure, and misunderstanding. It is the process of life that unfolds our purpose. Not understanding why these negative energies exist is a mystery, that only the universe holds the answers to.
Every beating heart has a mission, a destination, a story to tell. My story is pretty much like yours. I wake up every single morning, trying to see victory. I wake up trying to accomplish something more valuable than yesterday. Our destinations are quite different, but our challenges may be the same. For instance, we all want to make a difference in society, make the world a better place, live the American dream, fall in eternal love, and live a fulfilling life. So we wake up every single day to reach a step closer to those gifts that the universe holds. But, in between the hours, minutes, and seconds of the day the signals in our brains give us all kinds of emotions, that challenges us, and puts us through a test, where we tend to doubt ourselves, and go on extreme tangents. I, my fellow readers am guilty of it all. I am guilty of wanting the answers from the cosmos.
Tomorrow doesn't want us to know the gifts that it has for us, because then we would never work for our harvest. It's frustrating and absolutely confusing, but this is why living in the moment, and accepting the battles are important. Staying true to who we are, and waking up every day loving what we do is the best thing to put out, because if we give the universe the best of our ability we will forever be rewarded.
We all have a purpose, I occupy space for many reasons. I don't quite know the reason yet, nor do I understand my place, but I am confident enough to say that my journey is unfolding, and I am standing on top of the globe overseeing it all. I send all the fluorescent and most uplifting vibes out to all the cities. There are blessings all around us, and countless beautiful gifts to come. Congratulate our neighbors and let's never question the universe, for it already knows what's destined for us.