A year from now, I'll be in a foreign country, surrounded by lots of people that I've never met before, learning to adapt to a new culture in a place I've never been. I have so many experiences ahead of me that I cannot wait for.
Here are 9 reasons that I'm counting down the days until I study abroad:
1. A change in routine.
As a student at Penn State, such a large university, my day to day routine has been almost the same since my freshman year. Wake up, class, homework, go out (if it's a weekend), sleep...do it all again. Going abroad will finally break the mundane pattern.
2. It's my excuse.
Because I'll be going abroad to learn, no one will ask questions. This is the only time in my life I can drop everything and move to a foreign country for four months with no overwhelming questions-- "it's for school" I can tell them.
3. To see things I've always dreamed of.
I'm ready to see and experience people and places I've only seen in pictures and movies or read about in books.
4. The culture shock.
Is it weird to say that I'm actually excited to experience a culture shock? I've been to foreign countries before, but never for an extended period of time like I will be next Spring. I'm excited to see how such a big cultural change will affect me.
5. Improvement.
Although Spanish is one of my majors, I've never been surrounded by people that speak solely Spanish or very little English. I'm ready to greatly improve the second language I've been studying by immersing myself in it.
6. Personal growth.
Since I've turned 20, I've realized that I want a change. I want to grow mentally, and going abroad can help me achieve this. I hope living so far from all I've known my whole life will allow me to develop as a person and reflect on myself.
7. Meeting new people.
Going to college and meeting new people was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. It opened me to new perspectives. With that being said, the new people I met at Penn State are still similar to me in broad ways-- they're mostly from America and practice our cultural norms. Going to another country and meeting native people there will open me to a different outlook and way of life.
8. The food!
Sure, I can get myself some Spanish cuisine in America, but I'm ready to try the real stuff.
9. The homecoming.
After it's all over, coming home and seeing my family, my friends, and my dogs will be so rewarding. Going abroad will be my longest separation from them, and I'm nervous and excited to see how it changes my relationships. Will they become stronger or weaker? Only time will tell.