Freshman year of college is a big transition for a lot of people. It's a time when we have to realize that we are moving on to bigger and better things in life. A time when we have to meet new people and be away from home. My first year of college went by rather quickly and honestly, I wouldn't change a thing that had happened.
Freshman year is what is helping me through my next year. Sophomore year of college is something to be excited about and I most certainly am. This time around, you go to college with some experience and knowledge. We know who our friends are and we are starting to find out who we are as people. Going back to college after freshman year is a very exciting time. As you are wishing for the summer to go by faster, you are preparing for the upcoming school year. You are ready to go back because there are so many great things waiting.
1. Seeing your friends again.
Ir was scary going into college freshman year because you didn't know anyone. However, now you are returning with plans already made to catch up with the friends you've made.You've texted each other every day throughout the summer talking about how excited you are to see each other and to hang out once again.
2. You know who your roommate is.
This year I am more excited about moving in because I know who my roommate is. It's hard not knowing who you are living with, especially when you are going through a large transition. Only getting to know them through messages is hard. This year, though, there isn't any awkward introductions or conversations because you already know who your roommate is and you both plan on having a blast with it. From watching movies to dancing to music, you know that it is going to be amazing.
3. You know the good places to go eat.
Of course, you have to talk about the delicious food you are about to reunite with. From great coffee or even cold cheese pizza, you know where to dig in and where to avoid in your college town.
4. Better sense of who you are.
Freshman year we were able to find ourselves and surround ourselves with the right people. Coming back to college we are able to be who we are and we feel more comfortable with the people around us because it is no longer the beginning stage of a friendship. You've reached that stage where you can walk into their room without knocking or change in front of them without a second thought.
5. Getting away from home.
Yes, we all were really excited to go home to home-cooked meals and to see our friends and family. But as the summer goes on we start to miss our college friends and living out at school. Going back just feels so right; until, of course, we complain that classes are boring and we just want a break and to sleep in our bed at home.
6. We have our own little family.
Just as college is our home away from home, our friends become our second family. We are all somewhat going through the same thing and we know that we can lean on each other. We miss home sometimes and we get stressed out from classes, but at the end of the day, we have each other.
We all love the summer time. It's a chance to take a break and let loose. However, when it comes to college we all look forward to going back, even if it is just a little bit. It's not just a great experience but it is a nice environment where you feel at peace with yourself and your surroundings.