As much as there are perks to being a college student, like discounts and free things here and there, I feel like there are so many negatives.
While I’ll certainly miss the perks of being in college, I definitely won’t miss a lot. I’m not naïve and know that it won’t be all rainbows and sunshine as soon as I graduate. Here are just a few of the reasons I can’t wait to no longer be a student anymore.
1. I can’t wait to no longer be taken advantage of.
People take advantage of college students. We do free work because we can pass it off as “experience” or a class for credit.
2. I can’t wait to no longer have classes and classwork.
Not having to do pointless, time-consuming work for the sake of a grade seems like a faraway dream. A work-life balance sounds amazing.
3. I can’t wait to no longer have my identity be “student.”
My life will no longer be consumed by work. Yes, I’ll have responsibilities and work, but I can leave my job at my job (or at least have a better chance of stepping away).
4. I can’t wait to no longer have to be stressed about where I’ll end up after school.
I also won’t have to worry about maintaining grades and a GPA.
5. I also can't wait to no longer get asked what I'm doing over my breaks, where I'll end up after school, what I'm doing after I graduate, etc.
I promise, if I knew, I'd probably tell you. The fact that you have to ask should indicate that I most likely don't have news worth sharing.
6. I can’t wait to no longer have zero time off.
I have assignments due on the weekends. I do work on the weekends. I can’t wait until I can have a guaranteed 2 days off a week with no work responsibilities.
7. I can’t wait to no longer be expected to be OK with being overworked.
Being a student is a full-time job, yet we’re expected to have at least one job during college or we’ll be considered lazy. Whenever we express how overworked we feel, we’re met with the response: “You’re in college. That’s how it is.” Even on breaks, we’re expected to work and do classwork. I have had assignments due during or the day after breaks. I’ve also had quizzes that I was expected to do over a break. Even when class is not in session, we are always expected to be doing something, even by our professors.
8. I can’t wait to no longer live in student housing.
I live off campus in a great apartment, but I’m surrounded by people who don’t respect the building. People punch out windows in stairwells and common areas, people don’t clean up after their animals even if they poop in the stairs or halls, people throw trash and glass bottles off of their balconies, people break exit signs and doors, etc.
Also, property managers don’t follow the lease and enter your apartment without warning and/or permission.
9. I can’t wait to no longer have to rack up tuition costs.
Let’s be real, the quicker we can get out and stop racking up tuition payments the better.
10. I can’t wait to no longer pay for pointless fees.
No one knows what these fees are and/or where the money goes, but all I know is that I can’t wait to no longer pay a “library fee” to use a building and service on campus. Shouldn’t my tuition for my university cover my usage of the buildings within the university?
11. I can't wait to no longer be dismissed just because I'm in college and college kids are "partiers."
I'm not big on parties. I never have been, but every adult just assumes because of my status as a college student that I party. When I tell them I don't really "party," they always just respond with "Oh, OK" and a wink. No matter my insistence that I don't get blackout drunk every day of the week like some kids, they still never believe me.
As much as I love my school and the people in my life, I can't wait to graduate.