Why I Can't Wait To Go Home To York, PA | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Can't Wait To Go Home To York, PA

Thanksgiving break is upon us, and I couldn't be happier.

Why I Can't Wait To Go Home To York, PA
Ugly Hedgehog

For college students around the nation, it is that time of year again where we have just passed the midway point of the semester, and that means it is time for Thanksgiving break. The week leading up to a day filled with great food, football and memories is a hectic one for us college kids. Professors decide to give us exams, assign us projects, and threaten to take points away from our grade if we decide to skip out early and extend our break. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to have some pretty understanding professors and get to leave early to go home. Yes, those types of professors do exist! As I pack my bags, I begin to think about what I am looking forward to most about returning to York, Pennsylvania after being gone and in Tampa, Florida for almost four months.

Of course I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family. That is always a given. I have not seen my best friend since the beginning of August, and I bet a lot of other students studying far from home are in the same boat. Sure we text and FaceTime, but nothing beats getting into shenanigans with my best bud. Thanksgiving break is the perfect time to catch up, share crazy stories, and create some as well.

Seeing my boyfriend is always made a priority when I return for break. Doing the whole long distance relationship thing is no picnic in the park, as he goes to school in Pennsylvania. It is nice to go back to where our relationship began and spend time with each other's families. Nothing makes me happier than being with him and getting to just be with one another for a whole week. We really treasure our time together and every moment is made special. I am sure I am not the only one who knows how great it is to be reunited with their significant other after having hundreds of miles between them for so long.

Now my mom would be very sad if I didn't include the point that the whole reason of going home for a holiday is to be with family. Don't worry Mom, that is exactly what I intend to do! I can't wait to sit and talk with my parents and tell them all about what I am doing at school. Call me crazy, but I actually miss my parents on occasion and enjoy spending time with them. And of course home cooked meals and my own bed are just lovely bonuses! Make sure to send some time with your parents too and be sure to let them know that you have missed them. No need to be a tough guy. At one point or another, you did miss your parents while away at college.

Now that we have the some of the most important aspects of going home for break covered, I am going to delve into what I am excited about going home that relates directly to York, PA.

Number one, I have been wanting some decent chocolate milk for the longest time. In Tampa, you don't really see any local dairies around, so I am going to definitely make a stop at Perrydell to pick up a half gallon, or more, of their delicious chocolate milk. It seriously tastes like heaven in a cup.

Now don't get me wrong, Lays makes some great potato chips. However, they do not compare to the deliciousness that comes out of a Martin's or an Utz chip bag. And that is why I am looking forward to going to Giant or Weis or Shur Fine or any grocery store where I know the entire layout of the store by heart (that's just what you do in York) and picking up at least three bags of potato chips. York is referred to as the snack capital of the world for a reason, and I am sure that I am not the only one who has been deprived while away at college.

I could go on and on about the food I miss, like Maple Donuts and Alberto's Pizza and... well let's just leave it at that for now because I could go on and on.

Really, I am looking forward to just fall in general. I absolutely love being in Florida with the warmth, but I really do miss the seasons, and fall is one of my favorites. York is absolutely beautiful with all of the trees' leaves changing colors and the rolling hills with the crisp smell of the fall air. I want to wrap up in a blanket wearing an oversized sweater with my leggings and boots looking up at the stars as I sit in York Township Park or by Lake Redman. It's okay to call me basic with that outfit description, but do not knock it until you try it! But that sounds like a perfect date night in my opinion.

Being away from home and being swamped with work for so long has really made my desire to come home for break intensify. I love being in Tampa and having the opportunity to study here, but I am certainly missing the tight knit community and my loving family, boyfriend, and friends.

If you are from York, you know it is not the most glamorous place to live. But, nevertheless, it is home, and it is a good home. I look forward to the familiarity and all of the little quirks that make York so special to me. My little town of Dallastown lies in York, and I have lived there all of my life. From my friends to my family to the food and places, my home is calling for me. And, in under a week, I will be there and can't help but to smile at the thought.

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