1. Football game day.
Every year in August, football fans start to line the streets of their team’s college town to tailgate. In the South, game day means cowboy boots, red Solo cups and, of course, some healthy trash talk.
2. Pumpkin everything.
Whether it’s a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte or a Yankee candle, nobody can resist the amazing smell of pumpkin in the fall.
3. Family time.
This time of year is one for family. Thanksgiving brings us all together, and really reminds us of what’s important. Nothing beats going home in the fall to see your parents, siblings and, of course, your dog.
4. Halloween -- or for college students, Halloweek.
Not only does this mean candy, but it also means going out with your friends in your best DIY group costume. You may see 12 other dress-up firefighters, but you definitely wore it better. Oh, and don’t forget "Halloweentown". (Where are my Disney channel fans?)
5. Fall break.
Even though this break is short and sweet, you can take that long weekend to go visit a far away friend, visit family, or just catch up on your “me time.”
6. The events.
Fall brings about big/little reveal, the fair, hayrides, snuggling and, let’s face it, your calendar is always full in the fall. Although we’re busy and it gets overwhelming at times, there’s never a dull moment in the fall.
7. Warm drinks.
There’s no better feeling than sitting outside on a chilly morning or early night with a hot chocolate, coffee or tea in your hand. It’s pretty much like drinking liquid happiness and warmth.
8. The clothes.
As soon as the temperature drops to a consistent 60 degrees, or below, we all knock the dust off of the scarves, sweaters, leggings, boots and vests that we’ve been dying to wear. Plus, the end-of-summer deals are always a good excuse to shop.
9. The colors, smells and fresh air.
It finally feels good enough to grab a blanket and study outside. The air is crisp, the leaves change color and everybody gives off a calm, happy vibe.
10. The food.
There’s nothing better than your mom's Thanksgiving dinner or homemade holiday cookies and pies. Some things just taste better homemade, and the fall is a great chance to eat way too much of your favorite home cooked meals.